Beer Summit

Mayor Huether gives advice on the economic impact of Micro Breweries in Sioux Falls


Well not really, just goes into his normal BS mode (pretending he know something about it);

“It was bud, it was Miller Lite, it was Coors. Now, especially with the millennial generation, times are changing,” says Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether. “Tastes are being refined, demand is being refined and the market is catching up especially the market in Sioux Falls,”

The one thing I have quickly learned about the craft brewing industry, it really doesn’t matter what is the ‘best’ beer, just the one that is marketed the best. That is why the crap our mayor drinks is so popular (I believe I have seen him drinking either Coors Light or Bud Light at a DT Business Grand Opening where I explained to him the different kinds of genital piercings that exist). Let’s just put it this way, he knows about as much about craft beer as he does about a Prince Albert piercing (would love to see him talking about genital piercings on KSFY).

Another Karsky suggestion . . .


While Dean doesn’t care who puts shingles on your roof, he seems to be very concerned about who is drinking malt liquor;

Karsky said Sioux Falls law enforcement is overburdened with alcohol related problems, and the calls that come in tend to cluster in specific areas of the city – downtown and the Whittier and Pettigrew Heights neighborhoods. “Alcohol-impact areas” – places where alcohol-nuisance calls are most frequent – could be established with more restrictive booze rules, Karsky said.

Dean, we tried this thing called ‘Prohibition’ it didn’t work out so well. Did you take American History in High School? Did you go to High School? Alcoholism is a disease, they will find a way to get a drink, you are not going to fix anything.

What I want to know is what yahoo on the chamber made you be the poster boy of this idea? They owe you a drink . . . that is at least 40 ounces.

Erickson says it best;

City Councilor Christine Erickson said she’s open to discussing the alcohol rules on the books in Sioux Falls, but questioned whether banning single sales in select areas of the city would significantly reduce the number of alcohol nuisance complaints. She’s concerned also about the unintended consequences of alcohol impact areas.

“I understand the reasoning behind it. My concern is, too, are they going to get in the car and drive somewhere else to get it? Now we would just be encouraging them to get behind the wheel,” she said.

Erickson said a ban in specific areas of town wouldn’t alleviate the problem, only move it, similar to what happened when the council banned alcohol from Van Eps and Tower parks.

“It’s kicking the can down the road again. That was my concern when we banned the alcohol at Van Eps as well. We weren’t really fixing anything – just telling them to go back into the neighborhoods,” she said.

Besides her great points, I also would like to point out that I think product designations are up to the state and maybe the county. Don’t know, but I think the City of Sioux Falls learned the hard way about trying to limit video lottery. They lost in SD Supreme Court. They seem to be very good at that.