
Bush and Cheney to move the ‘He-man Woman Hater’s club’ to Paraguay?

Hey babes, wanna join Georgie and I in Paraguay? We picked up a real nice spread.

I found this story interesting. From all accounts though, it seems he bought the land for its gas reserves, but one wonders? He even uses U.S. Marines to protect his investments. Nice. Maybe I can get the SD National Guard to come over and mow my lawn this summer?

Makes you wonder how long Mr. Shrub will be living in Dallas, TX? At least the Nazi’s aren’t involved this time, hopefully.

The original story from 2006.

A more recent UPDATE.

Several stories on the TOPIC.

This is my favorite OP ED on it.

Hey, George, if you do decide to move, could you take Janklow and the entire Unruh family with you?