
Shrub gets shoes slung at him

Close, but no cigar. But Barbie doll-Nurse Ratchet look-alike Dana Perino got a black eye when a microphone nailed her in the wrestle down.

The Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes was formerly held for ransom by terrorists and beaten. He yelled while throwing the shoes, “This is for the orphans and widows of Iraq” He also said “this is a farewell kiss, dog.” & “This is the end.” (Apparently he is a Doors fan. Estimates have the Iraqi death toll as high as 1 million. It is the highest insult in middleeastern culture to have a shoe thrown at you. That’s why iraqis beat the statue of Saddam with their shoes when it was torn down. When Bush was interviewed later after the attack he said, “Not sure what his beef was.”

Gee? I wonder?

I can’t see so well without my glasses

Florida Congresswoman thinks Floridian Radio DJ Pranksters call from Chicago?!

On Wednesday, the Republican congresswoman got a call from President-elect Barack Obama, didn’t believe it was him, and hung up on him. Twice.

What’s so odd about that? Mike Rounds would do the same, even if he new Barry was on the phone. “We have to save money in telecommunications for the state. This year we are sending out invitations to the Governor’s hunt by carrier pigeon.”

Bush once again blames everyone else for his problems. Seems they teach classes about that at AA;

Gibson: You’ve always said there’s no do-overs as president. If you had one —

Bush: The biggest regret of all the presidency has to have been the intelligence failure in Iraq. A lot of people put their reputations on the line and said, you know … the weapons of mass destruction is a reason to remove Saddam Hussein. It wasn’t just people in my administration, and um … You know, that’s not a do-over, but I wish the intelligence had been different, I guess.

I guess he was upset that the intelligence he WANTED didn’t turn out to be the intelligence he NEEDED to justify the war. And why do people continue to defend this jerkoff?

National News Odds and Ends

Impeach Bush Ornament censored from the White House Christmas tree, funny stuff;

It hung on the tree along with ornaments featuring lovingly painted state seals and state scenery till the Washington Post pointed out that it differed substantially from its fellows.

AP followed, and Lawrence’s ornment was plucked from its branch, on orders from Laura Bush.

David Gregory to host Meet the Press (like if this wasn’t totally freaking obvious);

Gregory has been a leading contender for the permanent spot since Tom Brokaw stepped in as interim moderator following Tim Russert’s death in June.

Sexy Saxby wins in Georgia, vows to be a one man army against Obama’s polices. Good luck with that.

The worst aspect of this is that Sarah Palin gets to claim some credit for the win. Sigh.

When all she ever asked for was an occassional Dr. Pepper.