
One more reason why the Sioux Falls School District sucks dog-doo-doo


Like I have said on several occasions, I thank the Lorde Jezus I don’t have kids. One more reason;

A graphic novel about middle-school life has been taken off the shelves at Sioux Falls schools after a parent complained about cartoons containing foul language, sexual references and teen smoking.

Editor Ariel Schrag’s “Stuck in the Middle: Seventeen Comics from an Unpleasant Age” will be available only to teachers for checkout.

Here is the full Gargoyle story. This comment made me laugh;

She said the message a student draws from a cartoon might be a bad one.

Yes, those evil cartoonists and editorial satirists how dare they use humor to drive a point home. But Shrag fights back;

Schrag found that logic puzzling. The positive resolution to a cartoon is how the reader relates the story to his own experiences, she said. “Not all stories have a happy ending.”

Really? I thought everything was sunshine and butterflies in Sioux Falls?

“I think a prose book that would have similar content would go unnoticed,” Schrag said. “It’s a lot easier I think to sort of demonize graphic novels. It kind of comes down to laziness.”

And ignorance.