
I don’t even follow Australian politics, and this stuff is funny

Has Australian PM Julia Gillard been treated any differently by Pickering to the male and other female characters he’s drawn over the years? (click to enlarge)

In 30+ years of cartooning, I’ve never seen a politician, let alone a Prime Minster, react to cartoons and / or questions in such a way that he (or she) would resort to personal abuse and denigration of the satirist at a press conference. Julia Gillard lost it.

The Australian Prime Minister attacked cartoonist Larry Pickering at a media conference, not once but three times, labelling him, his cartoons and relevant revelations and questions about her dodgy past, a ‘misogynist’, ‘sexist’, ‘smear’ campaign. (He’s drawn a relatively few cartoons of Julia nude – but no private part showing). Commentators are now wondering, “Golly, Pickering hasn’t drawn male politicians like that, has he? He must be a misogynist sexist. The cartoons are offensive. He must be a woman hater.”


And to think Councilor Vernon Brown was upset about my cartoon of him in a swimsuit at Drake Springs Pool.