Have 20 of our state senators completely lost their frickin’ minds?
Sen. Scott Heidepriem, D-Sioux Falls, says the state might scare off the Iowa developers by giving the governor and Legislature power to respond to such border threats.
Listen, I understand your revenue concerns, but they are silly. One wonders if you are just doing this to protect video lottery owners. The facts are simple. If a large Casino opens in Larchwood it will supply many quality jobs to residents of Sioux Falls, high-paying, good benefits jobs. These people will live and spend their paychecks in Sioux Falls. Also, people who travel to the Casino from other parts of Iowa, South Dakota and Minnesota will most likely come shopping in Sioux Falls. I think the casino in Iowa would actually boost the economy in Sioux Falls. The losers? Video Lottery casinos on the Eastside of Sioux Falls. Who cares. Boo-Hoo!
Senator Knudson is the only one who got it right;
Sen. Dave Knudson, R-Sioux Falls, said the proposed amendment doesn’t limit the types of gambling the governor and lawmakers could create.
“In the end, this will have the effect of locating one mega-casino in Sioux Falls,” Knudson said. He said it likely would also result in development of huge casinos for the state’s reservations.
Of course, now if he can just get a backbone, this might have not passed the Senate.