Obama thinks Dick is a bonehead, I couldn’t agree more.

OBAMA: I fundamentally disagree with Dick Cheney. Not surprisingly. You know, I think that Vice President Cheney has been at the head of a movement whose notion is somehow that we can’t reconcile our core values, our constitution, our belief that we don’t torture, with our national security interests. I think he’s drawing the wrong lesson from history. The facts don’t bear him out. I think he is… that attitude, that philosophy has done incredible damage to our image and position in the world. I mean, the fact of the matter is, after all these years, how many convictions actually came out of Guantanamo? How many… how many terrorists have actually been brought to justice under the philosophy that is being promoted by Vice President Cheney? It hasn’t made us safer. What it has been is a great advertisement for anti-American sentiment, which means that there is constant effective recruitment of Arab fighters and Muslim fighters against U.S. interests all around the world.

More words of wisdom from our former VP. Cheney gives his take on the crappy economy;

Well, there are all kinds of arguments to be made on that point. But there’s something that is more important than the specific numbers you’re talking about, and that had to be priority for our administration.

Eight months after we arrived, we had 9/11. We had 3,000 Americans killed one morning by al Qaeda terrorists here in the United States. We immediately had to go into the wartime mode. We ended up with two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Some of that is still very active. We had major problems with respect to things like Katrina, for example. All of these things required us to spend money that we had not originally planned to spend, or weren’t originally part of the budget.

Stuff happens. And the administration has to be able to respond to that, and we did.

… We always said — I always said that wartime scenario is cause for an exception in terms of spending. It was appropriate in World War II, certainly, and I think it’s appropriate now.

And of course, he still keeps ranting about Obama not being tough. Well guess what Dick, we picked a smart one this time, not a bully.

Cheney repeated his previous assertions that President Obama’s policies on terrorism have made the country less safe.

Cheney praised the Bush administration’s terrorism efforts. “I think those programs were absolutely essential to the success we enjoy, of being able to collect the intelligence that let us defeat all further attempts to launch attacks against the United States since 9/11,” he said.

Beyond the Sea movie download

Hey babes, wanna join Georgie and I in Paraguay? We picked up a real nice spread.

I found this story interesting. From all accounts though, it seems he bought the land for its gas reserves, but one wonders? He even uses U.S. Marines to protect his investments. Nice. Maybe I can get the SD National Guard to come over and mow my lawn this summer?

Makes you wonder how long Mr. Shrub will be living in Dallas, TX? At least the Nazi’s aren’t involved this time, hopefully.

The original story from 2006.

A more recent UPDATE.

Several stories on the TOPIC.

This is my favorite OP ED on it.

Hey, George, if you do decide to move, could you take Janklow and the entire Unruh family with you?