Christine Erickson

The South DaCola straw poll sucks

I sometimes wonder if Sioux Falls City Councilor Christine Erickson is Clash fan?

Over the last couple of months I have heard pretty much an equal amount from both sides that she is either running or she is not for mayor.

It really heated up today after Diamond Jim’s announcement. I got two calls she is in and one she is not in.

(I have a bunch of snarky things I could say between these parenthesis, but I’m not going to, you can thank me later Christine).

Please run for a 2nd term on the council, and make the announcement TODAY, so I can free my phone up for the latest deal from Expedia.

Coffee with the Council – THIS SATURDAY!

Coffee with Council Members – Erickson, Stehly, and Neitzert

What: Come and have coffee with three (3) of your Sioux Falls City Council Members.

When: Saturday January 28, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

Where: Hy-Vee Food Store, 1900 S. Marion Road (W 26th St and Marion Rd), Cafeteria just inside the east entrance

Who: Councilors Christine Erickson (At-Large), Theresa Stehly (At-Large), and Greg Neitzert (Northwest District)

Why: Come and engage three of your Sioux Falls City Councilors to discuss your thoughts, ideas, and concerns!

Councilor Erickson says she is still considering a run for mayor on KSOO

This shouldn’t be a big surprise. Several months ago Christine told me she was keeping her ‘options open’ when it comes to running for mayor and she repeated that same sentiment today on KSOO. Even last week she asked my opinion about another possible candidate running for the job. She also commented she didn’t know if she would even run for re-election on council because her family business keeps her so busy.

She has become quite popular with the SD GOP and while the race is typically non-partisan, I don’t see Christine shying away from calling herself a proud Republican if she does decide to run for mayor.

I wish her luck no matter what she decides.

As I told another candidate recently, I may stay out of the race this time and not support anyone specifically.

Sioux Falls 2018 Mayoral Race

Anybody but this guy is fine with me

To be quite honest with you, I may stay out of endorsing or helping a candidate this time around. I had a discussion this weekend about the candidates possibly running;

Kenny Anderson, Greg Jamison, Jim Entenman, Darrin Smith, Rob Oliver and Michelle Erpenbach. I have also heard of about 2-3 ‘ghost’ candidates. Even disgraced former Deputy Secretary of State is getting into the speculation game;

But what I do keep hearing – and did so again tonight – is that former Republican Legislator Christine Erickson who had said “no” before might be softening her no into a “maybe.”  And it might be a strong maybe at that.

I’m glad Pitty Pudge could put down is double whopper for a moment and get with the times. I asked Christine about a mayoral run several months ago, and her response was that she was going to ‘keep her options open’.

It’s not that I don’t think any of these people are qualified for the job, I just don’t think any of them really stand out. And councilors have a horrible track record of winning the mayor’s seat.

I think the next mayor is going to have to be a true populist with economic savvy and an appetite for transparency and someone who is willing to invest in rebuilding our core while putting urban sprawl on hold. While the race is technically non-partisan, I don’t think a Republican or a Democrat can manage a city that way, it will take an open minded independent who is willing to listen to all sides of the table. They are going to have to also deal with the financial mess credit card Mike has left behind.

But to anybody who is willing to run, I wish them luck.

Public Chalkboards in Sioux Falls?


At the informational meeting today, councilor Christine Erickson brought back some great ideas from her trip to the National Municipal League of Cities conference.

One of them was to create a public chalkboard (in downtown, high traffic areas). The above examples are in San Antonio and New York City.

I think it is a great idea, and hope this is something we can duplicate throughout our city.