City Administration Building

Now it is up to the Council, Mayor and Clerk’s office to make this election happen


Stop the Funding signatures will most likely be turned in this week. The final roundup and petition gathering will be occurring over the next couple of days (in other words, if you have sheets GET THEM TURNED IN ASAP!)

The collection process has been anything but uneventful. Co-Chair Bruce Danielson has told me along the way that approximately only 1 out of 8 or 10 refuse to sign. Most can’t wait to sign, and others usually don’t need much convincing. Bruce has always kept the argument simple, keeping politics and personal feelings for politicians out of it. He basically says that if we spend $25 million on a building we don’t need, that is $25 million over the next 20 years we won’t be spending on roads or other infrastructure. That usually convinces them to sign.

There has been road bumps along the way to the democratic process, ones you wouldn’t expect. For instance Bruce has been asked to stop taking signatures at the VFW and the VA (he was actually on the public sidewalk at the VA) he was threatened with arrest by the VA rent-a-cops Federal Law Enforcement agents. But an interesting thing happened yesterday at the Backpack handout event. He was on the public sidewalk getting signatures (and registering people to vote) when he was accosted by a city contractor who hosts public affair shows on channel 16. Of all the people that should understand the democratic process, it should be her? Right? Well she didn’t. Bruce held his ground and said he had a 1st amendment right to be their on public property collecting signatures and wasn’t leaving. She sent out another person (we assumed a city employee) and after a picture of him was taken, he had a change of heart. He said something like, “That better not end up on the internet!” LOL. You never know.

The Argus wrote an editorial today supporting the petition drive and election (but it is not posted online yet) but it wasn’t to nice to councilor Erpenbach.

So what happens next?

Well first the petitions need to be verified using a sampling, this should only take a day or two (actually a couple of hours) there is NO reason these signatures shouldn’t be verified by Friday.

If and when the sigs are verified they need to be presented to the council. By law, they must set a special election date. Ideally, this should be before the bond sale. But the mayor can stop or delay the bond sale.

So now it is in the council’s hands. They need to call a special meeting and get it done. We will be watching and waiting.

Stop the Funding collects over 6,000 signatures!


Stop the Funding has over the amount needed to get the issue on the ballot, but over the weekend will try to collect more for a ‘buffer’ for the verification process. Hopefully the petitions can be turned in on Monday!

And just a reminder, whether you have ONE signature or ONE HUNDRED on petition sheets, they MUST be turned in ASAP. Petition sheets don’t have to be fully filled out (lines) to be notarized, partial sheets also qualify.

Bruce Danielson, (605) 376-8087

Stop the Funding has notarized 5200 signatures so far



Organizers of the Stop the Funding petition campaign are proud to announce the drive has notarized 5200 signatures of the necessary minimum of 5750. To meet the safety goal of 6500 signatures the organizers are looking for the remaining petition sheets to be submitted.

“Our initiative, the process, and an election are completely legal and valid today and will continue to be valid until the Mayor decides to make it illegal.” Bruce Danielson said to the Sioux Falls City Council August 16, 2016. “We expect the council to follow the law and to set an election date once the signatures are verified. In fact the Council could still set an election without our signatures.”

We ask anyone who wishes to sign the petition or to turn in the petitions they are carrying to turn them into the Stop the Funding office in the 300 Building, suite 106 located at 300 North Dakota Ave where the drive-in and sign events were the last two weekends.

Please turn in all petitions no matter how many how many are on them today, Wednesday August 17 so we can plan our last push event to collect the final signatures.

August 17, 2016

For more information contact:

Bruce Danielson

(605) 376-8087

Sioux Falls City Councilor Erpenbach oblivious to the concept of a democracy


Not only did Michelle throw away her populist hat, she spit on, stomped on it, then burned it;

Councilor Michelle Erpenbach, who along with colleagues Rex Rolfing and Rick Kiley has been steadfast in her support for the new administration building, said Monday she wouldn’t do anything to help Stop the Funding force a special election — whether it’s being the sixth councilor needed to endorse the special meetings or to override another potential veto of the mayor if the council votes to delay or repeal the project funding again.

“I’m not changing my stance – I want the bonds sold in October,” she said. “Your lack of preparedness doesn’t create an emergency on my part. I’m not going to approve a special meeting.”

I guess we won’t have to worry about saying Mayor Erpenbach in 2018.

With thousands of signatures gathered in a matter of days, Danielson said there’s no denying a significant chunk of the city either doesn’t want the new building or at least wants a vote on it. To deny the public that opportunity would be a disservice to the democratic process that could have effects beyond the administration building project, he said.

“It’s going to be their problem if any of them want to run for office in Sioux Falls again because there is so much anger in the community right now about this whole process,” he said. “They’re totally ignoring our concerns. They’re absolutely tone deaf to the citizens.”

Well when you never answer your phone, you don’t have to worry about losing your hearing from yelling constituents. I think the rest of the council should suspend Michelle’s phone stipend, she doesn’t use it anyway.