
Thank the LORD that he sent Michelle Bachmann to save us from government healthcare

In these trying times of woe, when our own illegitimate president from Kenya is attempting to destroy our economy, take over all our hospitals, and kill our grannies, it’s nice to know we can still count on the LORD to send us true Real American Patriots like Michelle Bachmann.


On a conference call the other day, along with North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx – who correctly exposed the murder of that gay kid in Wyoming as a hoax, and former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave – who bravely stood her ground even as it became obvious that the people of her district had mistakenly elected her Godless heathen democrat opponent, Bachmann exposed president Barry Hussein’s true agenda:

“We all need to consider that in God’s timing that he may have allowed us, as members of Congress, to be in the position that we’re in just for this specific issue right now,” she said. “Everything that all of us have worked together and labored for over the years, all of it could be undermined with this one bill. President Obama realizes that. The radicals that are on the pro-abortion left, they realize that. They could win it all. And the unborn, and the vulnerable, the disabled and those at the end of life could lose it it all.”

Without such brave Real American Patriots in the halls of congress, people might start believing the myths that the government doesn’t want to send your grandmas to government-run glue factories.


See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman out.

Anti-babe of the week: Sally Kern


Sadly, it’s not rare that a right-wing loony from my home state makes the news.  However, this one has, in addition to taking the cake by saying gays are a bigger threat to America than terrorism, has now officially left reality for some other bizzaro plane of existence.

In her most recent act of outright stupidity, Kern has issued a proclamation for morality, which you can read here. She has also publicly blamed gays and illegitimate children for the current economic mess. It seems fundamentalist nut-jobs like her have moved on from witches, gypsies, and jews to gays, pornographers, and abortionists, whom it’s still OK to hate. I’m not sure what’s sadder, that people like her exist or that they get elected to public office – in a large city no less.

I’d pay good money to see her in a debate with an actual thinking person. Theocrats cannot win such debates, and ultimately must rely on the righteous stupidity and willful ignorance of their supporters to suppress their opposition. For a case study, look at the recent Iranian elections. Theocracy is dying. Hallelujah!

The bright side in all of this is that 90% of the people commenting on the story think Kern is a complete tool with no business in government.

And Conservatives wonder why I think they are jackasses

More proof here;

I’ve nothing against “the arts,” as such. I’ve everything against using taxpayer monies to fund them.

I partially agree with that statement. For instance I think it is a crock of shit that the city of Sioux Falls helps fund SculptureWalk, but leaves the public out of crucial decision making, like picking the sculptures that would be on display each year. But I support public funding of the arts when it goes towards education, which most of SD Arts funds do.

We are going to spend chump change (by DC standards) on this,

Yes McFly. The feds match our paltry funds and private donations are in the millions. As the WHO would say, “Call that a bargain, the best I have ever had” (or something like that). It is estimated that arts funding will cost each resident of SD $.78 next year. Whoa Nelly! Talk about Pork!

but we are also going to charge people more for visiting?

Sounds good to me. Think about it –  most public art is enjoyed by tourists. Why shouldn’t they be chipping in? Of course (rich) conservatives think the best way to pay for things in SD is by fining people to eat.

And you wonder why the Conservative brand is turning into one big pile of crap – the lack of ideas and common sense.