This is an amazing article written during this crisis about the disgusting greed and economic inequality in our country;

The right-wing billionaire definition of “freedom” includes the right to poverty, the right to die without health care, the right to be uneducated and illiterate, and the right to be hungry and homeless. Red states seem to like this, since they repeatedly vote for it; we should let them have it.

In the article Hartman talks about economic recovery from this pandemic will come much faster in blue states than in red (federal welfare) states. This is why our governor, mayor and city council are hesitant to keep people from working, because we are a state where approximately 70% of the work force lives paycheck to paycheck.

Just read this FB rant from Sioux Falls City Councilor Greg Neitzert;

The place where I go to get my hair cut has laid off all of its employees, and they had multiple locations in Sioux Falls.  They may not reopen.  We are talking about dozens of employees, no longer with a job.  They made something like $12-$15 an hour.  They are working class citizens.  Right now moonlighting or starting their own gig is near impossible because the message is to keep social distance, so the client base has dried up.  Behind these statistics are individuals, and families, and children.  All who now have an uncertain future, many of which probably never dreamed to be in this position.  Maybe they qualify for unemployment, maybe they don’t.  Regardless, they are now living with the uncertainty and stress, not knowing when this will end and what their future will be.  I know some of them are single, or divorced, with a child or children.  There is a massive human toll to this, and consequences to their health, both mental and physical, that cannot be understated.  Multiply that thousands of times just in the city of Sioux Falls.  Their careers may have been put on pause (by force), but their needs, for housing, for food, to pay their utilities, to pay car loans, student loans, the needs just to survive, have not.  Imagine the toll on someone who has lost their job, and has no idea when they will get one again, with commitments and needs.  It has to be frightening to say the least.  Maybe some are lucky enough that they have another income in the family and they are still secure.  Maybe some are lucky enough that their jobs can be done at home and they are still secure.  But for thousands in Sioux Falls, that just isn’t the case.  And they are by and large some of our most vulnerable, some who are on edge, without a large emergency fund, who may be living paycheck to paycheck.  They are who are getting demolished.  It is these citizens I also think about, who call me stressed out, sometimes in tears, pleading for help and some assurance of when this will end.  It is on their behalf that I will not simply dismiss the consequences of our virtual shutdown as “just the economy”.  Lives are being destroyed and lost, no matter what we do.  There will be loss of life indirectly from draconian measures, if they continue for an extended period.  Many may be necessary to combat the virus, but we cannot dismiss the collateral damage.  Our policy decisions must balance the health, safety, and well being of all citizens, from the threat of this virus, the loss of livelihood, and the loss of liberty if a government goes too far.  All are important.  Remember again, we cannot stop this virus.  We cannot stop people from getting infected.  Tragically we cannot prevent people from dying.  From the beginning, at all levels of government that sad reality has been something we have had to accept.  The goal and the one thing we can control to some extent is preventing our hospitals from being overloaded when we hit the peak surge of infections.  The goal from the beginning from the federal level all the way down to the city level is to keep that surge from overloading our bed, staff, and ventilator capacity.  We cannot prevent all fatalities, but we can prevent unnecessary ones from lack of resources if we mitigate the spread enough to keep the surge manageable.  That’s been the goal.  We are accomplishing that because citizens have stepped up and made sacrifices to help each other.  In most cases we’ve simply had to ask, without a law or penalty attached.  Without a vaccine, simply locking everyone in their homes for weeks or months on end will not stop the spread, or prevent fatalities, it will only delay the inevitable spread, at the immeasurable cost of destroying our economy and the lives of the people who make it up.  That’s why our response has to be dynamic, proportional, and measured.  Finally, remember there are countless variables in modeling and projecting this.  Our epidemiologists at Sanford and Avera concede this, there are a number of variables you have to plug in, and its based on educated guesses and averages.  None of us knows what the right decision is with certainty.  We are all doing our absolute best, with the weight of the fact that lives could be in our hands with every decision we make.  Perhaps some years down the road looking back, with the benefit of hindsight, we might know if at each point we got it right or wrong.  Unfortunately that knowledge and certainty in real time is beyond our pay grade as humans with imperfect knowledge and an inability to see into the future.  We’re doing our best, and we feel the weight of our decisions daily.  I certainly do.

If we actually paid people living wages in our city, a few weeks off, even a month, would be just a hiccup in the road. So I ask Greg, and all of our local leadership(?) what have you done during your elected term to bring better wages and affordable housing to our city. I’ll give you the short answer; NOT A DAMN THING! He should of titled his post ‘Crocodile Tears’.

A few weeks ago I got beat up for this post. The story today only verified what I was hearing back than;

Avera Health has furloughed approximately 650 employees across its system and reduced hours for about 1,500 staff members as the financial and operational implications of COVID-19 take hold.

This was the ‘big announcement’ I was talking about. I couldn’t give the full announcement because I had not heard the details of how many people it would be. So while I didn’t have all the details, I did know this was happening. Avera obviously drug their feet as long as they could before telling people. Sanford said today they are trying to avoid a furlough thru crosstraining they are doing now, but it may still happen. I apologize, but sometimes these stories tend to take a little bit longer to come out.

Mayor TenHaken looking to pull his stay at home ordinance

He announced at the 2 PM meeting today he wanted to pull back on the ordinance and just have a continuation of the loitering ordinance.

“Our current stay-at-home order needs to pivot based on today’s data,” he said. “I feel that the measures we still have to take in our city to further flatten our curve can be enhanced through enhanced regulations in our no-lingering ordinance and not in a stay-at-home order.”

So what was the real reason he wanted to do this? Because at least 6-7 councilors already told his COS that they were voting it down. I would even go further and say that by Tuesday it would probably be an 8-0 vote.

I’m sure PTH was trying to save himself any embarrassment from the complete failure of his proposed ordinance. The irony though is that most of the council is against it because they think in infringes on civil liberties, in which it does not, it actually does nothing at all but make a strong suggestion. It was a great exercise in futility and little else.

Some councilors threw around the idea of limiting employee in businesses or at least setting strong guidelines. I think this is good.

Councilor Stehly even pointed out they are already limiting restaurants from opening, so how would it be any different. The difference is MONEY and Greed.

As we can see from this BBC story, Smithfield did ignore the warning signs;

But according to Smithfield employees, their union representatives, and advocates for the immigrant community in Sioux Falls, the outbreak that led to the plant closure was avoidable. They allege early requests for personal protective equipment were ignored, that sick workers were incentivised to continue working, and that information regarding the spread of the virus was kept from them, even when they were at risk of exposing family and the broader public.

These larger employers that are ignoring advice from the CDC on how to slow the spread are the reason this is spreading so quickly now in our community. The problem is the Feds are protecting these companies and even worse yet, we live in a right to work state where employers really can treat their employees like dirt and there is no repercussions. Believe it or not, it’s hard for our local government to do anything legally to get these bad actors to knock it off. Their hands are tied. But I also want to say, they are not doing enough to put on the pressure. I watched an almost 4 hour meeting this afternoon that consisted of one excuse after another and no real solution of how they are going to get these large employers to limit their work forces. Just be happy you don’t work in one of these places, because it’s not a matter of if you will get sick but when.

The council really needs to explore ways in which they can legally get into these larger businesses and get them to follow important safety procedures.

This virus has shown us an entire breakdown of leadership from DC on down and no one willing to make life saving difficult decisions.

I’m not saying this to brag, but today I was on the phone, not only with citizen activists, but officials from the city, the school district and Minnehaha County discussing ideas and solutions. I have also had countless conversations with state legislators in the past couple of days.

I could never imagine a ‘hobby’ I took on 13 years ago would flourish into something where elected leaders would ask me for advice on how to solve these problems. I don’t have all the answers, but I think our conversations help root out the bad ideas. For this I am grateful.

I am honored to call some these people my friends, who appreciate my opinion, but often disagree.

I have often been of the opinion that this line in the 1st Amendment is the most important to the survival of a free society;

” . . . to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

I want to remind people you have a voice, you don’t need to run a blog or a controversial FB page to make yourself heard. You just have to speak out.

I won an online contest about a decade ago with this line about freedom of speech;

“Freedom is FREE. SPEAK OUT!”

I still believe it.

We will never survive if we don’t embrace our liberties. We can crush greed with the truth. This is really what the virus is about, revealing how as a human society we have lost our way and become to comfortable. We must always be vigilant. My favorite philosopher said it best;

“The greatest wealth is to live content with little” – Plato

After seeing the herd of people at last night’s city council meeting, I am beginning to wonder if there should be a call in phone number to allow public input by phone?

I have spoken today with officials from the city and the school district and there seems to be an effort to try to work something up that would probably sunset in a couple of months after the virus passes and not be permanent.

As I have argued, if the elected officials can call into these meetings and participate by phone, the citizens should be able to also.

Stay tuned.