Many people have asked me why the daily pressers are only live streamed online thru various news sites and Facebook but not on CityLink. They are played later, but it seems they are not covered live. You would think a city our size who has it’s own public TV station would live stream these important press conferences. Paul’s appearances on national news and a FB only prove there is a certain sector he is reaching out to, and as he has admitted before, he is in constant campaign mode. The people he should be reaching at 10:30 AM on CityLink, the elderly, who are most vulnerable, are missing these important pressers in real time because they may not have the internet or a FB page. Sorry, but using tornados and pandemics to prop you up for a re-election 2 years from now looks worse than a homemade face mask.

Both Sioux Falls Mayor TenHaken and Governor Noem have issued stay at home orders that have zero teeth (but nice stamps on them). It reminds when they tell you to seek shelter in the basement when you hear a tornado siren (if it goes off), but you don’t really have to.

Like I have said, I’m still on the fence of what employers should stay open and what employers should not, but if you are going to have a stay at home order, you need to make it legally binding, otherwise it has just as much value as a virtual birthday card.

Most people already have gotten the message from the Feds and CDC, stay home, wear masks, keep distance. How is the messages from Paul and Kristi any different if they don’t have legal teeth?

They mean nothing.

I of course do not envy their jobs right now, but they did sign up for this. That means leaders make hard decisions after consulting experts. You already did the consulting, you already did the advising, now it is time to make a firm decision backed up by law. And if your legal team is not willing to make that happen, they need to be sent on a permanent stay at home order. It is not the time to play Libertarian Conservative Cowboy. You can’t have it both ways. You are either for public safety and health or the free enterprise system. With this virus, they cannot co-exist. Once we get over the peak, we can concentrate on bringing the economy back, but it can’t happen with a bunch of sick and dead people. Now is not the time to be eating cake.

Upset because we’re tired of the leadership led Goat Roping, watch this thin skin report from Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken. Instead of dealing with the problems at hand, the mayor goes Trumpster.

Blaming everyone else instead of their incompetence is the city of Sioux Falls response. Blaming the inaction of the city on commenters and news reports of their inaction is uncalled for. You do not lead successfully by scraping the bottom of a barrel unless you are looking for gold flakes while mining.

Oh, and Paul, respect is earned not automatically granted to elected officials. You work for us, not the other way around. You ‘signed up this’ whether you knew it or not. If you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen, get out now.

BTW, why wasn’t this press conference shown live on Sioux Falls City Link / Channel 16?

Retired Doctor of Orthopedic Medicine Dr Jack Billion of Sioux Falls, and retired 22 year legislator Frank Kloucek of Scotland, ask South Dakotan’s to stay home, but when you must go out wear face masks in all public spaces like grocery stores.  

“The recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology study has proven that Corvid droplets from humans can travel up to 27 feet in laboratory conditions. The implementation of dust mask or face mask policies should have been mandated long ago,” said Kloucek.

Jack Billion said “We need to look at the world around us and see what is working in the fight against the Corvid 19 virus. Face masks are working to reduce the infection rate. Please use them when you go out into the public.”

“The Czech Republic has mandated face masks for office workers and in all public situations. If the Czech Republic can do this why can not we at least voluntarily do so. One can be a carrier of this disease and not know it. To protect yourself and others – please wear a face mask. It falls to us to protect our communities.” Kloucek concluded.