We’ll miss you Pitty Patt . . . not.

First it was Todd Epp and now Pitty Patt Powwers. While I would love to say good riddance to Pat, I’ll be nice and say ‘good luck’ I don’t blame Pat, I considered pulling the plug several times over the past year (and yes, my domain is ALWAYS FOR SALE) until friends encouraged me to continue. I will also give Pat credit for having the courage to use his real name on his blog. Nothing infuriates me more then chickenshit neo-con bloggers who don’t have the sack to say who they are . . . and they call themselves teabaggers 🙂

I was thinking of doing this post later, but there’s something to be said for ripping the band aid off.  After 5 years and 9 months, I’m leaving the SDWC.   I’m moving on to other opportunities which preclude me from participating in politics in this manner.

You’ll be in good hands, as I’ve recruited several good people to offer their opinions on South Dakota politics.  In fact, to give the new writers a fresh start, the slate has been wiped clean, and all you’ll find here (except this post) are their thoughts on politics exclusively.

MC, Mike H, TC at AC, RC (aka Reagan Conservative), and TV’s Kristi Golden will all be offering their comments, as well as a few others who may join up.

I also applaud Golden for using her real name, but she has such a big mouth, I think it would be virtually impossible for her to blog anon. I encourage the other authors of the site to reveal themselves. ASAP.


“It’s okay for me to slam other politicians and bloggers while being a puppet for John Lauck, but boy, if someone does it too me, I’ll cry like a baby and block them from my site.”

Pat Powers has blocked me from commenting on his site. Maybe it was because I used a real name that was linked to my site instead of being another anon#2011.

I guess Pitty Pat is trying to clean up his act since he is running his twin brother’s campaign now. Good luck with that Pat. Your right wing ranting past will come to bite you in the ass. I remember another blogger who tried to work for a governor’s campaign. Why don’t you call him up and ask him how that turned out. He didn’t quite make it to the finish line, last I remembered.

Hypocrisy and the SD GOP, a tradition they can be proud of.

I guess everyone is a ‘pothead’ if they support medical cannabis. Just because some of us support the use of this (natural – non-chemical) drug for medical purposes doesn’t mean we partake, grow or sell. Far from it. Most of us still know the use of cannabis for recreational use is illegal. Duh. Not sure where you get your information or get off calling supporters ‘potheads’ – once again – making assumptions and spreading bullshit when the facts don’t support your agenda. It’s a typical conservative tactic, when progressives shoot holes in your arguments, attack their character with negative buzzwords like secret muslim, domestic terrorist or druggy. If someone is dying of terminal Cancer I think the least of their worries is an addiction to cannabis. God will forgive them when they die.


You may be noticing that posting has been light. It’s just been one of those weekends which has gone into this week. As the potheads…. er, legalization supporters went on the attack against me this AM (here and here), I just haven’t had time to ignore them sufficiently.

Pat, just admit it, your Federal agent father brainwashed you into believing all the myths about the evil weed.