Dan Lederman

What was ‘Revisionist’ about Sam’s tweet?

I’m trying to figure out what part of this tweet isn’t historically incorrect?

While I don’t think it is in bad taste, especially since everything he stated is TRUE (he left out indian killers), probably not the best statement about the 4th of July from the State Director of the Democratic Party. But it certainly isn’t offensive or ‘revisionist’. What is ‘offensive’ is the response from the SDGOP manure spreader;

SDGOP Chairman Lederman said, “Our founding fathers fought and died on the battlefield and forged what grew to be the greatest nation on earth based on the principle that we should be a free people, and that their fellow citizens should not be subject to taxation without representation.”

White, Male, Property owners to be ‘FREE’ people. Women, slaves, Native Americans, and indentured servants . . . not so much.

“The South Dakota Republican Party and the people of South Dakota reject that kind of liberal revisionism that Democrats continually try to inject into our state.”

As I stated above, I am still trying to figure out what part of Sam’s statement is untrue? Of course, it is easy for the SDGOP chair to cry foul while representing mainly conservative Christians while being registered to vote in Iowa (and doing business there) while lobbying for Muslims (he is Jewish). The heck with rewriting history, let’s just rewrite the rules.

“They’re hiding what they stand for at the same time their director is bashing Independence Day.”

Just because the party hasn’t released their platform to YOU, doesn’t mean they are hiding something. And stating the truth about our founding fathers is NOT bashing Independence Day, or Veterans, or whatever kind of group you want to pull out of your ass that you may think will be offended.

Dan Lederman turns up the Fear Factor

I guess the SD GOP is going around telling people NOT to sign petitions.

Here’s the deal folks, while I agree with them that you should probably read a petition before signing it or do a little research, let’s make something clear;


All you are doing by signing a petition is saying as a registered voter in the State of SD you think something should be on the ballot and people have an opportunity to vote on it.

For example, I opposed the Events Center in Sioux Falls (I actually opposed the funding mechanism because I knew the revenue from the EC would never be able to pay the mortgage and only take away from infrastructure dollars). But even though I opposed the plan, I still felt my fellow residents should have an opportunity to vote on the project. You don’t have to APPROVE of the initiative to sign the petition.

Once again, the SD GOP is using confusing messaging because they are scared to death another IM 22 will return and this time they won’t be able to stop it. The Rat’s will always defend the rat hole.

The SD GOP’s new Comedian is ready to serve

Hey South Dakota, this Jew’s for you!

Am I the only one to find it a bit ironic that the right-winger Christians in the SD GOP hire a Jewish Iowa businessman who lobbies for Muslim Arabs to lead the party?

And you wonder why the party has been destroying our state for the past 40 years. Because it’s leadership is so out of touch they don’t give a rat’s ass about the average hardworking South Dakotan.