De Knudson

Quen Be De puts out a misleading campaign postcard (so much for a ‘positive’ campaign promise)

According to De,

When others said “No” to progress, De worked to build consensus on major projects:

• Lewis and Clark Water System (Kermit actually voted FOR the system)

• Phillips to the Falls (Kermit voted for this project also, but did not approve of the ‘middle of the night’ extra funding of the project that actually got Mayor Munson in a lot of hot water.)

• New Events Center (Neither Knudson, or Staggers were sitting on the city council when the Events Center location was picked by the council. Staggers supported an Events Center, a profitable one. He made this very clear during the mayoral campaign.)

• DT Improvements Projects (Not sure what she means by this, but most of the infrastructure projects DT were approved by Staggers. Staggers did not support the facade easement program. And for good reason, it was a handout to DT businesses. I’m all for community development, but like Staggers, I believe the project should have been available to ALL SF businesses not just Downtown businesses.)

• River Greenway (Kermit and councilor Costello voted against this project, not because they were specifically against it but because Munson doubled the price of the project practically overnight without giving an explanation)

Nice try De. Next time do your research. And BTW, my property taxes have gone up every year since I bought my home over 9 years ago. Rates don’t mean anything when my bill is larger every year.

The Quen Be has a TV commercial


OOPS, that wasn’t it. My mistake. Look below. (all of a sudden she is a ‘fiscally responsible’ person that cares about streets, kinda like her opponent . . . hmm . . . looks like she grabbed a page out of the Huether campaign handbook)

And C’mon, Kermit. You should just take Ellis’ advice and make this your ad.


De Knudson & David Rose have clear conflicts of interest

You mean I can’t have my cake and eat it to?

First the facts. David Rose is running in the June Republican primary for House in District 14 (against Shawn Tornow, Anne Hajek & Larry Z.)

De Knudson is running for the At-Large SF City Council seat (against Dr. Kermit Staggers and Cory Buttemeir).

David currently is the Chair of the Minnehaha County Republican Party and De sits on the Charter Revision Commission for the city.


If Knudson wins the AT-LARGE council seat, will she serve a full term?

Remember, city councilors can resign for ANY reason, even bogus made up reasons . . . Darrin Smith.

So let’s pretend for a moment that Knudson wins the AT-LARGE seat. What is preventing her from resigning in a year or even in a few months?

De has already admitted she is running because she couldn’t recruit anyone to run against Kermit. Pretty much saying she wants to prevent Kermit from being on the council again. If she wins, she achieves her ultimate goal, and really has no reason to stick around for the next 4 years. She can resign and be safely reassured that the rest of the council will appoint a yes man/woman.

Hopefully this question will be asked in a forum or debate.