Democratic Forum
Sioux Falls City Councilors at Dem Forum • 4/5/2019
Janet Brekke, Theresa Stehly and Pat Starr bring their Sioux Falls SD citizen first messages to a joint Friday Democratic Forum lunch crowd on April 5, 2019.
The past TWO Parks Board meetings have been videotaped, you can’t watch them HERE under the RECENT tab. There has never been a formal press release or announcement of this to the public or city council. I found out from a personal email from Jason Reisdorfer.
Democratic Forum with ACLU’s Libby Skarin
The Sioux Falls Democratic Forum invited Elizabeth Skarin to talk about Voter Rights, Political Rights and what to consider when electing officials including the Attorney General of South Dakota. This Friday noon presentation was at the Royal Fork temporary location on July 20, 2018.