
On Monday, December 29th, 5-7 PM, the Minnehaha County Democratic Party will host a reception at the Falls Overlook Cafe at 825 N Weber Avenue in Sioux Falls to thank all of the Democratic candidates and volunteers, past and present, for their hard work and all past and present Democratic candidates will be honored for their hard work and dedication to the Party’s core values of Fairness, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity.

Save the date and join your local Democratic officials as they celebrate everyone’s hard work and look to the future. Champagne and hor devours will be served. Tickets are $25.00 and they are available at the door.

Ann Tornberg will be the next SD Democratic party chair with Joe Lowe acting as vice chair. I think it will be a good East & West team for the party. Joe is a real go getter and is cut out for this kind of work, Ann is too, and very intelligent. She understands the games Republicans play.

I think Jeff Barth would have been a good chair, but I was concerned about the overt partisanship it would have presented with him serving on the County Commission. While I think it is fine to chair your county party or act as a delegate or precinct member in your respective parties as commissioners or city councilors, I think a line needs to be drawn with chairs.

Good Luck Dems, you are gonna need it.

The ebb and flow of the political parties is funny. It will be interesting to watch the failed policies of the Republicans over the next two years, or the lack there of.

In a presidential turnout year, with Republican hubris and extremism on full display as they flex their newfound power, I have no doubt a big wave for the Democrats can be built. It will take smart strategic thinking about what big issue fights to pick and what dumb bipartisan deals to avoid; it will take a strong dose of economic populism in an economy overwhelmingly skewed to the top 1%; and it will take a unity of purpose instead of Democrats trying to set themselves apart from the core values of the party. But if we are smart and tough and relatively unified, 2016 will be a great election for the Democratic Party.


The Minnehaha County Democratic Party will hold its regular monthly meeting  on Tuesday October 7th at the Minnehaha County Administration building at 7 PM.  

Volunteers are working hard on the various campaigns but every one  can always use more help. Our gubernatorial candidate Susan Wismer and her running mate ,our own Susy Blake, as well as Denny Pierson, Rick Weiland and our local candidates can all use as much time as you can give.Â