
Just another martyr for the Democratic Party?

The South Dakota Democratic Party often baffles me in the decisions they make. They finally have a great candidate running for governor, Joe Lowe, (IMO  – they’re leading candidate on the Dem ticket) and they have to muddy the waters by digging up a primary challenger, WTH?

Democrats, it appears we are receiving our marching orders from Party Central: Vote for Susan Wismer.

Rep. Susan Wismer (D-1/Britton) announced yesterday that she is challenging Joe Lowe for the Democratic nomination for Governor. Democratic House Minority Leader Rep. Bernie Hunhoff (D-18/Yankton) introduced her at her Capitol press conference. Most of the Democrats in the Legislature stood beside her to show their support.

Don’t get me wrong, Wismer is a viable candidate, but I have never understood why the Dems like to waste talent in one race? Why not ask Wismer or Lowe to run for SOS instead (you know, the race you are kind of ignoring, the one where a scandalous current SOS is not seeking re-election, a race that will probably spit out the GOP’s Klueless Krebs as their candidate who is really just the female version of ALEC loving Gant.

I’m wondering when the Dems are going to get their poop in group, get off the Facebooks and Twitters and pick up the phone from time to time and DISCUSS STRATEGY!

What a concept!


I have been noticing several reader comments on media websites (that I assume are plants by Republicant’s trying to dis-credit Robinson’s campaign). So I set the record straight tonight while attending a Minnehaha County Democratic fundraiser at the Falls Overlook Cafe. Sorry, I am a little hazy, I had a couple of glasses of Moscato at the event (and I thought they only served kool-aid at Republican events, my bad).

I asked Corinna if she was running (after telling her the rumors swirling around). She said definately, in fact she already has a West River and an East River director working for her (I met the East River fella tonight) and she plans to make the big announcement in January sometime.

So detractors, knock it off already.

While I am not sure if I am totally sold on Corinna, I will say that the BS smear campaign on her is uncalled for. We know the real reason the SD GOP is swinging low and early, because when you match Corinna’s credentials with Noem’s, Noem’s campaign is quickly distracting the electorate with Mitchell hair, barrel roping stories, hoop earrings and mail order college degrees. If Noem is dumb enough to debate Robinson, Corinna will pound her into submission, I can’t wait for this matchup.

Other highlights of the event was meeting Democratic Candidate for Governor, Joe Lowe.


I am usually hard to impress when I first meet a political candidate, but not only is Joe intelligent, and has great economic, public safety, and leadership skills, he is very funny, incredibly funny. He shared many personal ‘war stories’ with GP and I about his employment with the state.

Rick Weiland also talked about the benefits of a buy-in to Medicare being offered to all citizens (woot-woot).

In other news, county commissioner Jeff Barth confessed to me he is NOT running for mayor.

And a chuckle for the night, I was looking for Mayor Huether to be at the event tonight. Not only Minnehaha county’s most powerful Democrat but the state’s most powerful Democrat, according to some peeps (sorry Bernie Hunhoff). But he was a no show. I didn’t ask anyone about it, but was offered the information from an attendee. I guess he didn’t attend because he believes the Jamison campaign has a ‘tracker’ on him. Luckily I wasn’t drinking my Moscato Kool-aid, because the person telling me would have been splattered with it. I do know that in Huether’s final ‘Listening and Learning’ session before the election that someone was doing an audio recording of the session, like it matters because you can listen to it here. But if that is what Paranoid Mike considers a tracker, I want to tell him there are bigger turds and tracks in the forrest to worry about.

And the final word on Jarding, get ready for this, No one knows what the heck he is running for. He is scheduled to teach classes next Spring at Harvard, so many are puzzled as to what he is up to.

The South Dakota Democratic Party, what’s going on? Or not? As we prepare for the 2014 election cycle, there are movements glory on the Republican side of the spectrum, but almost nothing from the Dems. What’s going on?

If a real political looked at the political situation in South Dakota, this expert wouldn’t be dreaming of running for office. A real political expert would actually be putting those ‘skills’ to bring long term positive results for the party of his or her choice. I guess Facebook games are more fun and rewarding. Too bad George Cunningham didn’t have Facebook likes when he ran for office long ago, maybe he would have won (yea, right). South Dakotans seem to respond well to Facebook games or why waste time playing there (oh yea, it’s the latest gimmick).

Imagine if a real political would use connections and outside resources to help reform the party he / she is supposed to support. What could a well-connected political do? For starters let’s consider these items (you will probably be able to add to the list):

1) Throw gimmicks out the window. The Web and Facebook are not strategies they can be tools.

2) Take lessons from history. Preach Good Government.

3) Consider why the issues based petition movements worked, take lessons from them.

4) Assist party leaders with long-term strategy, why build a whole new party every election?

5) Develop a long-term realistic financing system for party, how can a movement survive if there is no money.

6) A mantra of 1970’s the Democratic party was get $5 or $10 contribution from anyone willing to give. If a voter contributes $10 today, they will have made an investment in the organization and want it to succeed.

7) Take a page from George McGovern’s 1953 playbook, be in every town in South Dakota, all the time, collecting names and address. Find out who the quiet supporters are and build a new party supporters.  There are thousands of South Dakotans waiting for someone to lead the way out of the GOP mess.

8) Cultivate positive candidates for local elections, this includes school boards, city councils, county commissions, the perfect training ground for future leaders.

9) Teach the electorate and more importantly candidates to be winners by winning the small elections. Prove to the voters, Democrats can lead.

10) Why support Republicans instead of Democrats in any election? What are you thinking? If you do not like the Democrat running, work to educate the potential candidates who want to run, not GOP hopefuls who are friends of your friends.

11) Run candidate and supporter training programs every month somewhere in South Dakota. Make it look like you know something other than Facebook.

12) Build winners by building a winning system. Why do you think the GOP always wins in South Dakota (other than Jason Gant’s way)

There are a lot of frustrated people in South Dakota who are ready for major change. 2013 has so many correlations to 1969 when a long forgotten toothpick was drawn in Pierre to see who would run as a Democrat for Governor in 1970. The Democrats had seen a spark of possibility in the disastrous Frank Farrar administration and decided to throw all caution to the wind and run hard. It was a coordinated plan to win everything in 1970. The swamped the Republicans went home, not knowing what happened.

We have a situation in 2014 where the party in power is planning to be the winner based on overwhelming advantages. What does the Democratic Party have? Frustration. The party could play on the frustration of the voters but they would rather play Facebook games.

Look at what advantages the Democrats have by not being in power the last 33 years:

– No political power scandals

– No Jason Gant, Secretary of State scandals

– No unclaimed property scandals

– No Mette child adoption scandal

– No insider contracts

– No Governor’s fund insider deals

– No state pension fund games

– No ALEC connections

– No regressive Koch Brothers model legislation to defend

– Don’t be afraid, the voters wants fearless, forward thinking governance

– Add to the list, it might help the Democrats see the light…

Where are the Democratic Party’s candidates for the down ticket positions? There are some amazing possibilities for SOS*, Treasurer, PUC and more who have not been tainted by ALEC. We are 14 months out from the 2014 election and there is no open discussion of a Governor candidate yet? What? The only name to come up so far is the lackluster mayor of the big town with so many links to scandal it makes our collective heads spin?? We have a chance once again to vote for someone good to help South Dakota in the US House of Representative but we hear nothing positive from anywhere. We have a group of GOP fighting over Tim Johnson’s senate seat and the Dem’s are so powerless they have to fight with the Washington powers to let them in the door to even talk. If I were Weiland I’d be P*ssed at all of them. Some support, at least he is sticking his neck out.

I guess If I interim leader of the party and wanted to make it permanent I’d be drawing up some long-term plans with short-term goals. If you do not know how to win an election in South Dakota, go talk to those who were in the room doing strategy the last time South Dakota Democrats actually won.

*DL’s note: The Dems should be all over the SOS seat like stink on shit. With all the turmoil in the GOP party with the incumbent flop, Gant, you would think they would use this as fodder to expose the backbiting going on in the party. Also include the witch hunt against Willard and the Dems have plenty of fire to unseat a GOP SOS. But first I guess they have to get a candidate. What are the waiting for?