I guess with all the excitement around nominating candidates, they lost their pens;

Subject: Reconvening of the SDDP State Convention on August 10

The South Dakota Democratic Party will be reconvening the 2018 State Convention on August 10 at 6 pm in Sioux Falls at Icon Event Hall (402 N. Main) in Sioux Falls with convention Co-Chairs and Constitutional candidates to certify their place on the ballot. The purpose of reconvening is to comply with requirements that officers of the convention sign the candidate certification in addition to the State Chair.
You’re invited to attend and witness the process; however, delegate attendance is not required. This is a small procedural step in the process of certifying our Constitutional candidates.
Ann Tornberg, SDDP Chair   ann@sddp.org
Sam Parkinson, Executive Director  sam@sddp.org
A ‘small’ procedural step? What’s that saying about primates having intercourse with sports equipment? When I talk to people about running for office I always tell them two things, Keep it Simple and remember the little things. Just ask David ‘Z’ about the importance of proper paperwork.

I found it very strange that several public debates are scheduled for governor and congress but the Democrats are not invited?

In all fairness, Bjorkman and Sutton may have declined, which I doubt, but you never know. But I have a feeling they were not asked.

Some would argue this is because the Republicans are the only ones that have a primary, but why not include the Dems? Wouldn’t they add a lot to the debate? It’s almost like the Republicans only matter. Not only are Independents like me left out of an election I am paying for, apparently I am left out of the debates also.

I guess we know which way our media leans.