Sioux Falls Planning Commission Agenda, Aug 7, 2019, 6PM
A real mixed bag next Wednesday.
Item#2, A-C, The city plans on some rezones to create a bunch of detention ponds.
Item#2D, okay, I’m no home designer, but in order to qualify as a ‘Twin Home’ shouldn’t the houses be attached to each other? Just look at the plans, only the garages share a wall. Weird.
Item#2E, I guess Lloyd Companies bought the old Bowden Youth Center and are going to covert into apartments and offices.
Item#5B, A property owner is trying to convert the old Bob’s Café building into a Casino. Not only is it a bad location next to neighborhood homes, we don’t need anymore casinos in this town. When is the state legislature finally going to repeal this scourge on our society?
Item#5D, you know the house across from Avera that Avera said needed be torn down? John Koch is converting into apartments for temporary nurses for Avera, and Avera is loaning 3 parking spots to the complex. Funny how these things work out.
Item#5F, another casino, this time at Lake Lorraine. What retail mega-plex in Sioux Falls wouldn’t be complete without a casino! This one the planning department says is OK. Besides, it’s close to an assisted living center, they shouldn’t have to take an Uber or Paratransit to gamble.
Item#5G, the old Shopko on East 10th is becoming a car lot. I know, shocking!
Item#7, The Planning Department came up with a new flowchart to let us know how redevelopment works.