We have a few questions to ask, see how many you can answer.

If someone goes to building code enforcement and files a concern, why does no one follow-up?
Do building and code enforcement only show up to arrest someone for having a pile of shingles in the wrong spot?
What are building permits good for?
If you have a building permit, does it allow you to do what you want?
Why do we need this parking ramp so badly?
If a building falls down, are we allowed to ask why?
Should we care?
If there is a death, shouldn’t someone from the county/state investigate?
Isn’t it strange there has been no grand jury convened to find out why a tragedy happened?
What does a contract allow you to do?
Where were the engineered drawings and permits to allow a load bearing wall to be taken out?

The Copper lounge collapse in downtown Sioux Falls leaves the public with so many questions. Scott Ehrisman asked many during the Sioux Falls City Council Public Input on February 14, 2017.

When you are done with the video, write down your questions and maybe send a few of them to the Minnehaha County State Attorney. Maybe he can help us get answers.

Sometimes people present the obvious to us without realizing it. Many people in the community are concerned about Legacy being chosen to build a publicly funded parking ramp DT after their involvement with the Copper Lounge building collapse. Maybe Mr. Drake has a solution;

“I’m not going to address any questions about that site and the events that have taken place,” Drake said. “It’s an ongoing investigation, and until all the facts come out and are determined, we don’t feel like it’s prudent to make additional assumptions at any point there.”

I agree 100%. And until assumptions are turned into facts or falsehoods, we should hold off determining you are the correct choice for the project. I encourage the city council to hold the brakes on this project until the results of the investigation have been presented, or pick another contractor.

I never seen a TV station go so bananners over a city planner that retired over 10 years ago (and quite frankly worked for the city TOO long to begin with).

Mr. Metli was very instrumental in getting us the river greenway bike trail and park system (the true gem of our city) and cleaning up Falls Park. He also helped get us the Washington Pavilion by tying it in with the convention center vote (unfortunately building the convention center in the wrong place). He also gave us Phillips to the Falls (that had a 100% cost overrun which almost landed Mayor Munson’s ass in jail) and now is only good for a brownfield outdoor amphitheater because of the battery acid seeping thru the ground.

I would agree, Steve was very instrumental in shaping our city, some good, some worthless urban sprawl. But Steve’s biggest accomplishment besides creating our beautiful park system along the river was making SOME developers in this town a lot of money, and giving them little too much control.

Some may say I am being a little harsh, but you only learn from history, when history is recorded correctly. I hope future planners of our city have learned a lot from Mr. Metli (both good and bad).

I will miss our FB debates.

The city council pulled the funding for a DT parking ramp last year, yet the city administration and mayor decided to announce their ‘pick’. And as far as I know, the council hasn’t even been let in on who has been chosen, not even in executive session (how is that for transparency) let alone no funding approval.

But it gets even more complicated. Three companies submitted bids;

After soliciting potential partners through what’s called a request for qualifications in May 2016, the city received three submittals — all from developers with local ties.

Legacy Development in 2015 started a $12 million, 82-unit downtown loft complex. Called “Third Avenue Lofts,” the four-story housing complex at 13th Street north of Sunshine Foods benefited from $1.5 million worth of tax increment financing to see the project through.  It also owns the property abutting the parking ramp site to the east where a building collapsed in December, killing a construction worker.

Lloyd Companies in recent years has added more than 100 residential units to the downtown neighborhood with Phillips Avenue Lofts, the Uptown Exchange Lofts and Good Samaritan’s City Centre lofts.

Trans Atlantics was established in 2008 and has another office in Ethiopia. It specializes in partnering with other business, organizations and governments on real estate, manufacturing, agriculture, trading and technology projects.

Lloyd has already said they were not picked, so it is between the other two. Also remember, Legacy was involved with business partners in Hultgren Construction, which has a pending investigation against them. Would the city be foolish enough to pick them with this investigation that is ongoing? The press conference ought to be a real sh*t show.

I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff, but it is rich;

“Why we would want to give away something between a half a million and a million dollars, dumbfounds me,” says the Mayor.

If he was Mr. Prudence, I would agree, but this dumbo who has borrowed well over $200 million over the past 7 years spending it mostly on special interests and play things, like $500K to a private tennis center he plastered his name on. What a hypocrite.