In the latest episode of ‘Planning Preview‘ Jeffrey Schlitz-Smidt, explains ‘buffers’ and how the public may not understand them. But he is willing to have ‘coffee’ with constituents to explain them.

Thanks Jeff.


We found another Sioux Falls Zoning Board of Adjustment (BOA) meeting on Monday September 28, 2015. Cameraman Bruce was there to capture the process the board goes through to determine if property variances should be granted.
Property variances are granted if extenuating circumstances exist to make the property more usable without hurting the neighbors or neighborhood.
We witness what a broken water main can do to a business owner. A homeowner with a garage-less monster truck trying to get forgiveness, variance and building because much of the work is already done. Then we have a business owner trying to get by without following the Shape Places code rules by planting a flag with a few Subaru Foresters. What were they thinking? See if they can grow?
With as many people already questioning Shape Places and the way it has screwed up, it does have some good features. One thing we have learned, neighborhoods must be ready to fight for their rights or forever lose them.
What would think if your neighbor planted a flag and a few cars in their yard like Columbus in 1492, would you see the natives revolt? We saw a revolt caused by uncaring arrogance bordering on abuse, pushed back. It felt good.

So the wise guys developing land at 85th and Audie decided they would put up a flag this is probably in violation of sign code (for it’s size). Apparently now developers are acting like Christopher Columbus to get what they want. Good Grief.



While Minnehaha County is bracing for a property tax opt-out and the SF city council recently increased property taxes to most properties in Sioux Falls, with the stroke of a few votes the city council gave a 12 year, $2.9 million dollar property tax rebate for some condos;

The $30-million, mixed-use Washington Square project planned for Main Avenue has been granted a TIF by the City of Sioux Falls.

The city council approved a $2.9-million tax increment financing district for the project. The property tax revenue will be used to pay the TIF over a 10 to 12 year period.

But hey, we get to use their parking for free, only on nights and weekends though (you know, when it is free in all other spots DT also). Once again, the ones with the biggest wallets get the biggest rewards in Sioux Falls, while the rest of us working stiff homeowners have to scrape up the crumbs that fall from the 4th floor condos.