District 12

Worst TV commercial of the Election cycle

There has been some pretty silly TV commercials in this election cycle – especially the district races. but I think Sandy Jerstad’s latest ad takes the cake. She is sitting on a porch in TEA, and talks about how she wishes she lives there, but even though she does not, she will still represent them. Huh? But the best part is when she starts talking about issues important Tea-rites. She mentions Olivia’s adult superstore then jumps to Medicare. What?! Porno shops and Elderly care. Worst segway ever.

First off, I know Sandy is registered as a Democrat, but she ain’t no Democrat, nor is she a Republican. Not sure what party or planet she is from.

As for Olivia’s, it is NOT a MAJOR ISSUE, you made it into a major issue Sandy. The 1st and 14th Amendments protect adults to visit that store whenever they want to. And if you disapprove of dildos and girly mags, I suggest you don’t go there.

Why Manny Steele scares the crap out of me

The Gargoyle Leader interviewed District 12 House candidates today.

I think Greg Kniffen knows what he is talking about;

Share your reasons for running for the Legislature. I chose to run for the state House because I felt the issues concerning South Dakota were not being addressed adequately; Too much time during our short legislative session is spent on moral issues that end up dividing our state. We need to work on issues that can really make a difference to our citizens.

But Manny Steele has some ideas all his own;

Share your reasons for running for the Legislature; I want to be an active part of the decision-making process that creates the laws of our state. These decisions affect everyone in South Dakota, including my children and grandchildren. Part of my Christian walk is being a servant to others, and that is my goal.

Hey, Manny! What does your Christianity have to do with being a legislator? As a legislator you are expected to follow the State and U.S. Constitution first. I get so tired of lawmakers injecting their religion into legislating.