District 13

Was Rex Rolfing trying to make a mad dash from the Sioux Falls city council?


When I heard about this just a few days ago, I just had to chuckle. Surprises me that the man who ran for a second term and recently got the council chair position would be trying to find a way to slip out of his current job.

See, Rex Rolfing asked some nice GOP committee peeps in District 13 to put him on the ballot this Fall for the legislature (replacing Westra). And according to city charter, you cannot serve on the city council and state legislature at the same time, so if he were elected, he would have to resign the city council seat.

Seems the heat is getting to Rex. So much, that a guy who owns property in Florida wants to spend a whole month in Pierre in the winter. That will cool you off.

Well it didn’t turn out as expected. Sue Peterson got picked for the slot, with Alex Jensen and Rex being the two other candidates.

I guess we will have to endure old Tex Golfing for a couple more years, unless he just wants to resign on his own accord? I would be fine with that.

South DaCola guest candidate • Brian Liss • District 13 House

Answering Silly Critics

Early in the campaign I sent out a fundraising letter which said in part, “Help me defeat the Democrats’ attempts to socialize our country at the expense of our freedom.” Over at Madville Times the letter was quoted as crying about “Socialism!” This malicious misquote ruins the credibility of Madville Times.

I doubt anyone has ever been more bruised with less cause than Corey over at Black Marks on Wood Pulp. The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen comes to mind.

The Essence of the Campaign

What sets me apart from most politicians is that I think economics should be taken seriously. Most politicians are happy to communicate economic fallacies to their voters. Economic freedom is a liberty vs. tyranny issue. Here is my SDPB video. I hope you like it. Go to www.BrianLiss.com to learn more. Thanks!

http://www.youtube.com/user/SDPBdotORG#p/u/12/4NA_piY8WB0 (you will need to copy and paste, becuz for some dumb reason, SDPTV won’t let me link.

(editor’s note) I encourage any candidate to spew their junk on my site. I don’t care what political party you are from.

New candidate running for SF district 13

I don’t much about Jesse;

Democrat Jesse Vavreck is running for one of the two District 13 seats in the state House of Representatives. District 13 consists of central Sioux Falls. Incumbent Bill Thompson is term-limited. Democrat Susy Blake is the other incumbent seeking election.

He was an intern for Tim Johnson. And here he talks about himself and his weiner dog and he seems to be right on track with some issues I agree with. He has my vote . . . so far. As with any candidate for office, you are welcome to guest post on South DaCola.

Oh, and BTW, if you are going to have a website probably outta figure out the googles so when you type in your name the first hit or least the 2nd or 5th hit is your website, I’m just saying.

The Governor needs to take the wax out of his ears

After reading the budget address story in the Gargoyle Leader, I dove into a tiny little article buried on page 9A and not available online (that’s where the Liberal media puts their important stories I guess) the article detailed how Dems have been after Marion M. Rounds for three years about limiting the growth of State Government (you know, all those unneeded no-bid contracts to friends and family he has secretly deguised as FTE’s), but as usual, Mike refuses to listen to anyone but his inner greed and arrogance;

For three years, Democrats have tried to hold state government to the 3 percent budget increases allowed schools and counties, and we couldn’t get support,” said Dem Ben Nesselhuf of Vermillion, “If we’d been doing that for three years, maybe we’d have money.”

Democratic Rep. Bernie Hunhuff of Yankton also voiced concern about the property tax increase;

It could sow the seeds for another property tax revolt, and we don’t want that.

Get out the pitchforks and torches I guess.

I think Minority leader Scott Heidepriem of Sioux Falls, District 13, where I live, said it best when he called the governor’s budget “Cynical”

I guess I wouldn’t have had a problem with expanding state government if government services have become better, in fact they are either the same or worse since Rounds has taken office. Just look at the vehicle registration fiasco. So where did the millions go? This is about helping friends out, and now that he has broken the bank, he continues his state of denial and promises more cuts to education, salaries and road construction while failing to put his hand out to our new president who vows to ramp up infrastructure and domestic spending. Once again SD Republican leaders have proven the best way to fix problems is to tax and spend instead of making cuts.