Noem claims the Biden Administration is making this political? Really? Who is the one suing using taxdollars to spend more taxdollars on something most people don’t give 2-Sh!ts about. Noem has zero grounds to sue. The property is Federal not state, which she admits and she has no control over. As for a memo from Trump, that isn’t worth the paper it is written on. He is no longer the president, so it means nothing.

As for last year’s display, that was simply a taxpayer funded campaign rally for the Orange Menace and little else.

As for the fireworks, most people can’t attend anyway due to the lottery and most people don’t care. When I think of Independence day, I think of the great people in this country, it has little to do with a rock sculpture and Chinese explosives. Noem needs to concentrate on making the lives of working people in this state better and knock off her grandstanding.

During Noem’s latest blab fest interview she did not disagree with reporter Austin Goss when he said she was a social conservative. Where it got interesting was when he made the claim (she did not) that most South Dakotans are social conservatives like her.

While it may be true that a large percentage is, when it comes to the ballot box and polls the numbers speak another picture.

In raw numbers registered voters who are;

• Republican, 48%

• Democrat, 27%

• Independent, 24%

• Other, 1%

But in a poll I came across the other day (sorry, still trying to find it again) it said that South Dakotans that consider themselves;

• Conservative, right leaning, 46%

• Progressive/liberal, left leaning, 41%

• Moderate, middle, 13%

This of course blows up the notion that ‘most’ South Dakotans are socially conservative or lean right. Also, this polling has gradually become more moderate to left over the past few years (I have looked back to 2014).

You can also look at initiatives. South Dakotans voted twice that they are pro-choice. They have also supported raising the minimum wage and recently rec and medical marijuana.

While I do agree there is a fringe base that support Noem on her Highway to Whackadoodle it is quite a stretch to think that South Dakotans who voted to keep abortion legal and marijuana legalization are ‘social conservatives’ 🙂

While her supporters may be the loudest in the room, they get very quiet when the votes are counted.