There are a few things that irk me, okay, there are quite a few, but hypocrites in government really takes the cake. As an elected official doing this kind of stuff, I kind of just say it is SOP, but when taxpayer funded employees do it, it really chaps my hide.

How can you say ‘fake news’ when you are the ones spreading it?

I will admit, I was a little taken back when Noem admitted that indeed Biden will be president in her speech yesterday. I thought maybe she saw the light. We of course have known this truth to be self-evident, heck, I knew this all the way back in 2016. Trump lost by 3 million popular votes back then and I knew he would lose by more this time around. He is a two-time loser and has always been a loser. He has never won at anything in his life. He has always lost. How could you possibly imagine he was going to win this time around? It was logistically impossible. I almost encourage the Biden campaign to bring lawsuits in the states he lost in just to prove how wide of a margin it was.

Either way, we get this from our Governor who I think has lost her mind, let’s break it down;

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-S.D.) said today that she “expects the road could be a little bit rough under the Biden administration with some of the policies that they’ve embraced.”

I agree 100% in her statement, but not because I think Biden is a raging liberal (he is far, far, far from it) it is because Noem parading around the United States campaigning for Trump is going to come back to bite us in the ass in South Dakota. I have a feeling the Biden administration is going to be giving a very cold shoulder to South Dakota. If Noem had any screws left in her head she would congratulate Biden personally and beg for forgiveness. That’s not going to happen, so we will be left in the cold.

“We can expect that they may try to raise taxes, they have said that,” Noem said. Noem also said Biden would try and eliminate fossil fuels by passing the Green New Deal.

Yes. Biden has said he would raise taxes, but you have to be in an income bracket that about 90% of South Dakotans or more are not. And I agree, the super rich in this country have gotten away with tax dodging for way to long. As for fossil fuels, it’s just good old fashioned science that tells us we must move away from them, but that is not going to happen overnight. Ironically, the State of South Dakota is in a very good position to go all green. We could easily supply our state with enough green energy to eliminate all fossil fuels with wind, hydro and solar, it just takes the will to do it.

“And whatever else the administration might do, it would certainly give us a lot more regulation,” Noem said.

This is actually something we have needed in SD for a long time, we have some of the worst worker safety laws in the nation. Just look at what happened at Smithfield recently with Covid and the numerous fines filed against them environmentally.

But Noem decided to have her staff play some games with what she actually said and what she sent out after the speech;

Noem’s verbal presentation differs from a copy of her written speech provided to media. Noem replaced the word “a” with word “the” twice today when she referred to Biden and an administration twice.

A copy of Noem’s speech refers to “Frankly, I expect the road could be rough under a Biden administration” and not “the Biden administration” as Noem said in her speech. Also, “whatever else a Biden administration might do…,” and not “whatever else the administration might do” as Noem said in her speech.

Pretty slimy. Actually very slimy.

You can’t stand on the street corner every 20 minutes yelling ‘Fake News’ Kristi when you are the creator of this fake news. And your staffers who participated in this sloppy game? Pathetic sycophants that don’t deserve one penny of my tax dollars for their salaries.

But the news gets even better, even though South Dakotans voted for Trump, we somehow hitched our horse to this;

The State of South Dakota believes in free and fair elections.  Our office has received thousands of calls and emails from concerned citizens and we have listened to our constituents and voters.  That is why South Dakota has, today, joined the Amicus Brief of the State of Missouri in support of State of Texas v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State of Georgia, State of Michigan, and State of Wisconsin.

What were South Dakotans mad about? HE WON HERE! Our election in South Dakota went pretty smoothly. What are we protesting?

I would also like to see these ‘thousands’ of emails. Give me a break. Never happened. More ‘fake news’ from a ‘fake governor’.

The one thing I have learned about the average voter is that while they may be upset for a few months (or more like a couple of hours) if their candidate lost, they really don’t make much of a fuss and move on. It’s time for us to stop playing word games and filing useless lawsuits (at our expense) and move on.

Trump lost! Twice! And that’s FACTUAL News.

UPDATE: Looks like the Rodeo Queen was deflecting questions about Covid by continuing to spread the B.S. that somehow votes for Trump were not counted (George asked her to present evidence, several times).

I think the only reason the security fence around the Governor’s mansion was NOT built out of mud because Kristi didn’t want to be fenced in by something smarter than her. Stop wasting your time with a Class A loser and start leading our state out of this pandemic.

You would think after this past week, most governors would be reveling in all the records that were broke;

• We broke records in daily positive cases of Covid, Covid deaths and hospitalizations!

• South Dakota becomes the first state to legalize both Rec and Medical Mary on the same ballot!

• Joe Biden receives a record number of votes in a presidential election and is poised to take the White House with around 290 electoral votes!

Come on Noem! I would think the Fireworks would be going off at Rushmore by now.

Pray all you want Kristi – Karma NOT God ruled this week.

I guess not many people tell her NO. I have heard from legislators who have been in committee meetings with her that she doesn’t take the word lightly. While I am not one to defend the Argus editorial board that often (because most of the time they are day late and dollar short with their grievances) I do agree with them that you can’t just pull some mysterious anonymous doctor from your rear end and quote them in an op ed about a pandemic. If you want people to take your covid data and information seriously, it helps to actually quote REAL doctors and scientists, not ones that apparently your communications cry baby made up.

It’s called credibility and transparency.

If the doctors truly exist, and they may, it just further proves how professionals in this state never want to take a stand publicly, they always want to ‘hide’ which is no surprise because that is how SD GOP funds it’s PACS through secretive donors that have their LLC addresses at UPS Stores.

They truly are the party of Chickensh . . . .

As Maggie Seidel said, Noem’s (Mis)Communications peeps and supposed Senior Advisor & Policy Director, “Democracy dies in Darkness.” It certainly does Maggie, and from you stand, it is very, very dark.

Okay, I will admit, this is a little scary. Back when Kristi was just a state legislator from Castlegodknowswhere she posted this picture on her blog. Yes, Kristi had a blog. I think it was about 4-H (proud alumni myself) but I’m not sure.

It seems a lot of supposed tough guy leaders in our state are scared of the governor, and I am clueless why.

In fact, the first time I attempted to talk to our governor (and the first time I saw her in public) she ran like the wind at Pheasant Fest. Detroit Lewis seems to have that impression on girls . . .

There is NOTHING scary about Noem, in fact she is like a gentle seed falling from a Cottonwood tree, blowing away in the wind and turning into nothingness.

But Sioux Falls City Councilor Starr seems to think otherwise;

Tuesday morning on Facebook in response to a question about why a mask mandate isn’t taking place, Sioux Falls City Councilor Pat Starr wrote “we are scared of the governor.” This afternoon he told KELOLAND News stands by that and clarified that by “we” he means city government overall.

“I think there are a number of reasons that we have failed to act,” Starr said. “We have been waiting for leadership both at the state and the city level, and it’s not coming. and it’s time to no longer be scared, it’s time to take the action to mitigate the situation.”

Starr does support some kind of mask mandate.

“I think we’re scared of maybe offending not only our leadership, but we’re scared to offend a small portion of our community that’s not willing to act,” Starr said.

Like Patrick, I am not scared of Trump’s gold plated lap dog, Governor Noem, and you should not be either. Be nice. Be respectful and wear a mask. The Rodeo Snow Queen can’t stop you. And if you try to corner her she will run to the nearest trucker hat rack or FOX news studio to deflect.

During the press conference today where we found out that AG Ravnsborg isn’t the one who thought he hit a deer, it was the dispatcher asking him if he did*, one of the reporters asked with a spike in Rona cases in South Dakota why Noem is parading around the country campaigning for Trump? She first gave the tired old excuse that there is more cases because there is more testing. Funny though that when we did less testing there were fewer people in the hospitals . . . hmmm. But what is interesting is she thinks that if Trump isn’t re-elected South Dakota could be in a lot of trouble;

Because, Noem explained, a Trump defeat would mean many changes in Washington’s response to the pandemic and to a host of other issues, including taxation.

She also rambled about environmental and OSHA regulations, blah, blah, blah. Like I said in a post this weekend, I agree with Noem, if Biden becomes president her ass kissery of Trump will come to bite us all in the rear especially if the Senate goes Dem also. If you think we are going to get any favors after her glorification of Trump, you are mistaken. I’m still not worried though, because I think a Biden presidency and Democratic Senate will be better for the country as a whole.

*Jason’s 911 call was released, and it seems Jason claiming he thought he hit a deer, didn’t come from him. The dispatcher ASKED him if he thought he hit a deer and he said he didn’t know for sure.

Dispatcher: Oh no. Okay, do you think it was a deer or something?

Caller: I have no idea…

Dispatcher: Okay…

Caller: Yeah…It could be…I mean…it was right in the roadway and…

Funny how her suggestion later turns into a statement from him. He also said that what he hit was ‘in the the road’. He also had a negative toxicology report (that was taken 12 hours after the accident) Of course we won’t know much more for quite awhile since the investigation has NOT been completed. Like I said, we will hear nothing until after November 3, because like Noem stated, the re-election of Trump is her most important priority right now.