When I first heard about the calls to impeach AG Rumblestrips, my first response was that Noem was behind it and she was using her goons to wash her hands of the bloody spot;

I don’t know. I was on the phone. I just gave him an update and the governor called. They’re going to call me back. The governor is actually involved in this so that is why it is more specific. But it is nice because this person is running for president, I don’t know if they’re running for Democrat or Republican, so they have a huge… budget for the Senate race, which is coming up in a couple months. So that is why we need to do a good job, okay? -Angel Kane, Grand Solutions Inc.

But what is more confusing is why doesn’t the Democratic Party in Sodak have a candidate for AG? The rumor going around is that it will be a throw down between Rumblestrips and Jackboots for the nomination at the convention. Yeah, a corrupt former AG vs. a killer. Shakes couldn’t write a better tragedy.

While the Dems have secured an independent Libertarian to run against Thune, they have yet to find an AG candidate, a congressional candidate or a governor candidate.

I heard today that they tried to recruit John Claussen to run against Dusty but he said he did not want to. John tried to become the Executive Director of the Party, gave great testimony on re-districting, and has been involved with Democratic politics for decades.

But the big rumor is that Billie Sutton and Dan Ahlers MAY announce next week they are running for Governor and Lt. Governor.

I am not holding my breath.

I have been advocating for a long time that living wage in South Dakota, especially Sioux Falls should probably be nipping the heels of $20.00 per hour, imagine my surprise when this report came out;

This means that of the 50 states, (Puerto Rico and D.C. are not included) South Dakota is one which costs the least to survive in. But how does a $9.95 minimum wage match up to a $45,000 living wage?

Assuming a 40-hour work week, and 50 working weeks per year, a $9.95 wage comes to $19,900 per year. To match the living wage for South Dakota, the minimum wage would need to rise to $22.50/hour.

Our cost of living adjustments are also very high (notice housing);

While we have a governor who blabs about liberty and freedom and a mayor who decries ‘wage inflation’ you can tell the reality is that we lag very far behind and don’t look to their supposed leadership to help the situation. It’s time to start electing representation that wants to make changes instead of coddle the business elites, hospital industrial complex, and welfare developers.

Apparently she is going to take her ball and go home. Boo Hoo, how sorry I feel for the spoiled hick governor’s daughter. Maybe she can bounce back and become an author writing a tell all book about Lewendowski’s mistresses?

This is an interesting move by Peters considering NO investigation has been done yet in to whether she got special treatment. Wouldn’t you wait for that investigation to be final before quitting? Or could it be that she knows that she got special treatment and if the Feds follow the nepotism paper trail she might get her license revoked anyway. But I see her little trick may have worked since the committee bailed on making her testify.

And why quit because of a supposed reputable harm? I know car salesmen in town who have been fired at every single lot they worked at but continue to get jobs selling cars. If you are a good appraiser and are continuing to get jobs why do you care what the media thinks? I would think with the shortage of appraisers in the state, you would have oodles of work.

I personally think Peters did get special treatment. This is about what she did in the past not what she is going to do moving forward. You can say all you want you thought you hit a deer, but the dead man’s glasses will still be laying in your front seat . . . oh wait . . . wrong crooked politician.