6th Street, DT Austin, TX

I have thought about this idea for awhile.

What would be the harm in experimenting with closing down Phillips Avenue between 10th & 11th and 11th & 12th (leave 11th street open for traffic) on Friday and Saturday nights after say 6 PM to 2 AM for the month of July. And allow open container (as long as it is plastic cups or aluminum cans or bottles). You could also setup picnic tables and bring in street vendors of all kinds (not just food or drink but artist booths also).

I think DTSF needs to turn it up a notch, and what’s the harm in experimenting with the idea?

Downtown businesses would have to be heavily involved and there would have to be strict cleanup guidelines by the DT businesses.

There’s a new player DT Sioux Falls. Vishnu Bunny Tattoo (photos on his website are of his old location) is now located DT next to Kaladi’s on Phillips Avenue. The owner, Jeff Mann has been working hard to open the shop, and had his grand opening last night, the place was packed. Heck even the mayor showed up! (we had an interesting discussion about piercings and tattoos, but I promised not to blog about it ๐Ÿ™‚

One of the best part about Jeff’s move to DT is that he will have a lowbrow art gallery in the establishment. I hope to have a show there in the near future and have offered to show my personal lowbrow art collection.

Vishnu Bunny Tattoo will be a nice addition to DT. Congrats!

While our Mayor is dreaming about Events Centers, cotton candy and streets paved of gold, it seems he has to deal with another lawsuit spawned by the past administration. Nevermind the one that was postponed this week about sewer backups from several years ago รขโ‚ฌโ€œ remember when we got like 20 inches of rain in 2 days? (yes, kids, this is our very expediate judicious system). Nope this one is about charging businesses that don’t benefit from promoting entertainment and hospitality downtown to paying extra property taxes for promotion they don’t receive;

The lawsuit from Red Buffalo Trading Co. Inc. comes eight months after a similar lawsuit from Ronning Cos. and two months before the City Council votes on whether to renew the tax assessment.

The legal battles, as well as increasing expectations for DTSF from the public, could lead to changes in the way DTSF is financed.

Twenty-two percent of DTSF’s money is from the assessment collected by the Main Street Business Improvement District (BID). That’s why DTSF president Jason Dennison said finding a way to maintain the assessment while still satisfying the group’s membership is crucial.

Without our member-sponsors and the assessment, we really wouldn’t be able to do what we do,” Dennison said.

What do you do? I think it is time to pull the plug on DTSF. Downtown is prospering fine on it’s own, and downtown businesses can do what other businesses do on their own, MARKET THEMSELVES! It’s time to get rid of this special interest front. We already have a Chamber of Commerce, why do DT businesses need a special marketing organization?


I have to apologize to Steve Hildebrand for assuming that him and Huether are in cohoots together for the downtown location. After watching last night’s council meeting, it couldn’t be more obvious that they ARE not in agreement with the Events Center location, they had a very cold exchange. So once again, I’m saying I am sorry.