I encourage everyone to watch the (entire) Council Meeting. It gets really interesting when councilor Jamison suggests we should study the downtown location. Entennmen and Litz go on a tirade about how DT will not work and the money isn’t there to study that location and suggests other’s pony up. Well guess what Jim, there is a rumor that that just might be the case. Local businessmen are pledging large amounts of money towards the DT effort.

“Hi. I went to the DT Live show, did you?”

For the most part I had fun. As a person who lives DT, I am always in my element at any event DT. I realize this was the first year of this event, and I hope they continue. For the most part, it went off without a hitch, some of the things I enjoyed about the event were;

• Economical. The ticket price was $10 for three local acts and a national headliner.

• Location. Since nobody is snagging up that Phillips to the Falls land anytime soon, it is a good place to put on an outdoor concert.

But If I was handed a survey on what to improve on, this is what I would say;

• A few more porta potties, but no a major problem.

• Make the event all day, more local bands.

• Better sound quality. It seemed it was too distorted and the sound quality could have been better.

• SUPPLY BIKE RACKS. Please supply a bike valet.

• More food vendors. (even though Uncle Ed’s pork sandwiches are fucking delicious) we need more.


• If you advertise a ‘Beer Garden’  – Have a beer garden. Having a tent just over the beer vendors IS NOT a beer garden. Have a covered place for people to drink beer.

• Have more volunteers who know what they are doing when selling beer. Lines are stupid. That is why I create my own lines at these kind of events.

• Too many yuppies. While I cannot probably change this, I will say, that if I see one more pressed Tommy Bahama shirt or pleated shorts this week, I will freaking puke.

This is what your extra property tax money goes towards.

The organization, Downtown Sioux Falls is using special assessments to TAKE money from businesses that DO NOT benefit from the assessment. I don’t think Christmas decorations and flower baskets is a wise use of taxpayer money, especially in this economy, and if a business is not benefitting from the assessment they should be able to opt out (Item #13) If you watch the video you will see they really don’t explain where businesses are benefitting from the assessments. Councilor Kenny Anderson was the ONLY councilor who had the guts to vote NO.



Section 1. That the special assessment roll for the Main Street Business Improvement District in the City of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, is hereby approved and the assessment as set out in said special assessment roll approved this date is hereby levied against the property described therein and becomes a lien against such property upon filing of said special assessment roll in the City Finance Office.

Section 2. Industrial property shall be exempt from assessment. Single-family and two-family dwelling units shall also be exempt. Residential rental property whose sole use is residential and which contains more than two units, will be assessed one-half the set amount.

Section 3. Said assessment may be paid in one annual installment based on the assessed valuations of the property adjusted each year and shall be collected under Plan One—Collection by County Treasurer as provided in SDCL 9-43.

Big Head Todd and the Monsters will be playing a new Downtown music festival in August.


BHTM doing their own little version of Voodoo Chile.

I have seen them at least once (that I can remember) and one thing you need to know about them is they are essentially a blues band. And a damn good one and well worth the $10 admission fee.

Image: Courtesy City of Sioux Falls

The Argus did a story on the expansion of the River Greenway project and got a couple of quotes from Detroit Lewis, while they are accurate, I would like to expand on what I was talking about;

“I’m all for a greenway project in there, but that pedestrian bridge is a gigantic waste of money,” said Scott Ehrisman, a Sioux Falls resident and frequent critic of City Hall. “A million for a pedestrian bridge is a little silly. I think you could do with a half-million and clean up that whole area and be done with it.”

I went on to say that I am all for fixing up the Greenway (bike path, foresty, vegetation, etc.) I just think that the pricetag is out of line. I also got into a discussion about the the amphitheater being planned at Fawick park and questioned the need for another one a couple of blocks north. It is also no secret that this bridge was planned when everyone thought there would be an Events Center next to Cherapa Place (which is still a possibility – see the faint drawing of it in the background of the above image?) but since that is no where in the future to be seen, I think we can hold off building the yellow brick road over the river. As I said to Tom in the interview;

“First off, what is the purpose of building an amphitheater if we are already building one at Fawick, which I believe is a better location, and secondly, why do we need to build a million dollar bridge at that location when you can walk a half a block in either direction and cross the river? Talk about waste.”

Of course, the spend happy city has an excuse for everything;

“I think it’s pretty reasonably priced, and people have to realize that this is being driven by the private sector,” Kearney said. “It’s their desire to develop the area, and we’re just coming along and implementing a plan that we’ve had on the shelf.”

If it is being driven by them, why not let them pay for it to? Will a million dollar pedestrian bridge at that location benefit the citizens or the developers? I think we know the answer to that question.

Critics say more needs to be done in the downtown core, including projects that enliven Phillips Avenue and engender more events at the Washington Pavilion.

“I just don’t see how putting in a pedestrian bridge is going to help downtown,” Ehrisman said. “I think there’s a lot better things to do downtown than building steps down to the river. I see so many better options.”

Like I mentioned above, I think improving trails in that area is a good idea, but I am not grasping how people would be attracted to Cherapa Place. I feel we must expand out from the core area (11th & Phillips) instead of all this spotty development, here and there. We were told over 5 years ago if we build Phillips to the Falls, “They will come.” Uh, we are still waiting. All we need to do is look and see how that boondoggle turned out to know that this is one to. Why do you think people continue to vote down rec centers, indoor pools and event centers? Because when the city plans something, it is always way to extravagant, and this project is further proof of it.

“I know people say, ‘Hey, they’re doing it all for Scherschligt,’ but our goal is the city’s goal. You can’t just quit your vision. This project’s been in the works for 10 to 20 years, before the economy went sour and well before the potholes.”

Well, if your goal is the city’s goal, pony up. I think if you want a million dollar bridge, pay for half. Prove your goals are the city’s goals with your wallet instead of your mouth. It is no secret that you have a contract with the city that was concocted long before you (tried) to blow up the ZIP feed mill, Quen Be De Knudson even admitted to it in an City council informational meeting. Munson, or someone at city hall, promised you everything but the kitchen sink. If I was the next mayor, the first thing I would do is rip that contract to shreds and re-plan a more economical greenway expansion, one that doesn’t include handouts to Mr. Scherschligt.