Downtown Sioux Falls

Sioux Falls Downtown Rotary bails on streaming videos

I noticed a few months back that there was no longer streaming videos on the Rotary’s FB page or YT page. I forgot about it until I noticed they had a presentation about childcare this past Monday and I couldn’t find a video. A couple of people I know inquired about it and apparently they were paying someone to record the videos so they discontinued it because of the expense. Ironically they could get someone to volunteer to film the events with their phone with little to no expense involved.

I just find it ironic that they quit filming after a certain POLITICAL PARTY and GOVERNOR decided to cherry pick quotes for political ads from their event videos. If there is a bottom of the barrel that needs to be scraped, they’re on it!

Unfortunately when you live stream your events for free on YT of FB it becomes their property, in a quasi-sense, so it is hard to copyright and prevent others from using it for political gain.

It’s unfortunate that they discontinued the event videos, they were actually very informative. Just another thing Noem ruined.

City of Sioux Falls recommends SHAG(?) inspired mural by Walter Portz

Not sure if many people follow tiki artist, SHAG, but you can see his images here. SHAG was actually inspired by mid-century commercial artists that painted in a similar style. I love the style and have a bunch of SHAG prints. But the mural needs more tikis and martini glasses.

Not sure if Portz was inspired by SHAG, but now days nothing is original, and I certainly steal ideas from several artists, most notably, Andy Warhol.

During the video the mayor made the comment that they are ‘doing it the right way’. According to who? You? He also said that the image was ‘Non-Controversial’ though I do see a nod to this guy going on. As the mayor also said ‘Art is subjective’ and exactly the reason that we shouldn’t allow ONE person or special group of people to be selecting public art behind closed doors.

During the public input period at the Active Transportation Board I commented on the darkness of city hall and how I have never seen it this bad in 20 years. I told the board, until you have a transparent government you accomplish very little.

I feel bad for all the good people involved with this project, from the artist, to the donor to the city staff who have to tow the line of secretive government because that is what your master demands, but at the end of the day you can either feed at that trough or you can do the right thing and say ‘NO. This is wrong.’

The mural will ultimately be an improvement of what we have now, but golly, that’s a lot of lipstick!

UPDATE: Is the Downtown Sioux Falls Bunker Ramp Mural to get new life?

UPDATE: I am getting word that they will be working with Walter Portz over the next year to develop a mural, or something like that. Walter just recently finished the mural at Levitt. I guess the VAC expressed they were NOT happy about the process or the secrecy, can’t wait to see how the administration will spin this. I guess they are also keeping the donor’s name a secret as of right now, though we have some pretty good guesses who it is.

I am hearing a rumor that Planning Staff decided to drop a turd on the Visual Arts Commission at their meeting this morning, I would assume it is under new business, public art update.

I was NOT in attendance but I am hearing there was a work around for the Bunker Ramp mural and they are going to announce tomorrow (10:30 AM at the city’s Wednesday presser) that they are bringing it back (different design). I guess they did the planning and selection for this behind closed doors (I know, SHOCKER!) with ZERO input from the VAC and public and using a familiar donor.

It seems someone’s ego must have gotten the best of them.

As of right now, I can’t find much about it except on the agenda which spells nothing out so I guess we will have to see the big announcement, which I am sure will be announced HERE in advance.

Any dolt with just a little bit of experience in public art could tell you this is NOT how you approve public art.