Election 2008

Why did Measure 11 fail?

Most would think that Measure 11 failed because 55% of the voters are pro-choice. I have a feeling that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I think people in South Dakota that would consider themselves ‘prochoice’ is a pretty small percentage, I think most people fit into a grey area like myself. Though personally pro-life, I still think women have the right to choose. So does that make me pro-choice? Not sure.  I think a lot of South Dakotans fit into that category.

I was surprised as anyone that Measure 11 failed. I thought for sure it would either pass or at least be a very close vote. But once I started thinking about it, I came to some conclusions that may explain why South Dakotans rejected it.

This is how I think the vote broke down, and obviously it is not scientific, just pulled out of my butt.

          Actual self-proclaimed pro-choicers probably made up a small percentage of the vote, but still a significant number. Most of these people are probably long time feminists or young single college aged girls.

          Personally prolife but actually prochoice were probably the biggest voting bloc. Probably on the fence, though they may personally disagree with abortion for themselves, they do not want the government deciding for other people.

          Hardcore pro-lifers I would assume voted against IM11 because they still think a total ban is the way to go (no exceptions).

          The medical community, especially doctors and nurses that work in women’s health probably voted NO in large percentages because they don’t want government intrusion in medical decisions. One person even pointed out that if the ban passed it may also be in violation of HIPPA laws.

          Another group that may have participated is people who want small government, though they may loathe abortion as a practice, they may think that government overseeing who can and cannot have abortions isn’t a good idea.

          My last group may surprise you; Cheapskates. These are people who realized that if IM11 passed there would be a very long drawn out court case that South Dakota taxpayers would have to pay for, and ultimately the ban would never take effect anyway because it would be tied up in the courts  for years.

Any others I missed?

Cuckoo Bird Letter of the Day

Apparently if you voted for Obama, McCain or NO on 11 you are a murderer. That’s a lot of people;

“No, Barack Obama and John McCain are both child-killing socialists. ”

“This makes him a murderer by even the pro-choice definition of murder. Yet 170,884 South Dakotans gave him their stamp of approval in Tuesday’s election. Apparently, genocide is OK . . .”

I’m surprised weirdos like this know how to hold a pen. I think the Gargoyle Leader opinion page editors need to use their brains before printing this kind of crap.

Waking up from the Neo-Con Nightmare

Almost at the end of Election Night Partying

I guess I really haven’t talked much about my excitement over the newly elected Obama. Though I was a Hillary supporter, I did get behind Obama in the final weeks and voted for him instead Ralph ‘Uncle Tom’ Nader (Thank Gawd!). Like I have said before one of the main reasons I voted for Obama was because he was the smartest candidate. I don’t want a president I can drink beer with. I want a president who will work hard. Which Obama has proven already by already organizing his team. He knows there is a lot at stake and he needs to work twice as hard as Bill Clinton did to get this country back on the right track. I also want to say that for once in our country young people, independents and Hispanic immigrants really decided this election – this is a good thing, it means America is finally waking up from the very long neo-con nightmare.