Election 2008

South DaCola Golden Pop-Bottle Award; Howard Dean

Howard Dean (my personal political hero) deserves this award more than anyone in the 2008 election cycle (sorry James Carville). He took the successful parts of his presidential bid campaign and applied them on a bigger scale to Obama’s campaign. He also proved his 50 state campaign strategy works. Even in the states Obama lost, he still won half of the demographics. And in Vermont Obama one every single demographic. One of the most important things Dean’s strategy proved was we must campaign to ALL Americans, Right, Left or center, we are in this together.

Bush and Rove divided our country and Obama and Dean will unite it.

I know Dean has been working silently behind the scenes during this whole campaign, but I think it’s time for him to gloat. Yeeeeeeeeeeeooooooooowwwwwwww!

Do something that actually helps the children of our state.

I would like to congratulate Kevin Killer, Martha Vanderlinde and Scott Heidepriem on their victories last night. They all are good people and will represent our state well. Kevin and Martha are very progressive minded people, and they will bring a fresh and LIBERAL perspective to the State Legislature, which we desperately need.

I would also like to thank all the people who voted NO on 11. It was an unconstitional, intrusive law. The morality police need to let this one drop. If they are concerned about children, I suggest they ADOPT a lower income family in this state and buy their groceries for a year or help serve food at the Banquet. Do something to actually help the disadvantaged kids that already born and alive in our state.

I think about all the good that $3 million dollars spent on both campaigns could have done for  the hungry children in our state, and just makes me shake my head.

I propose two new initiatives for the next election cycle.

1)      Eliminate the food tax (something that actually does more good for ALL the children of the state)

2)      Ban the Unruhs from the legislative/initiative process, or better yet, from the state (and take Janklow with you).


The End of an Error

ILUSTRATION; The Late Great Ed ‘Big Daddy’ Roth

The End of an Error

In all seriousness, it really doesn’t matter who wins the presidential race today, one thing is for sure, NO MORE BUSH.

I think he has been the worst president our country has ever seen. I still like the bumper sticker I have seen on several cars around town; ‘Never thought I would miss Nixon’

What surprises me the most is that he isn’t sitting in a jail cell with Cheney. Not only is there plenty of evidence to charge him with war crimes and crimes against humanity, he could have been impeached on violating the 4th Amendment alone (something he admitted to in a press conference – how much  more proof do you need?).

History will judge him very poorly. There has even been rumors circulating that he will be brought up on criminal charges when he steps out of office.

He has single-handily;

– Bankrupt our country

– Destroyed the middle-class

– Tore up our Constitution

– Destroyed our standing in the world

– Increased world terrorism in the world against our allies

– Contributed to global warming by removing energy regulations

– Destroyed the reputation of his party (which isn’t all that bad). He did get some help from Tom Delay on this one, and most recently, Ted Stevens.

And this is where Barack Obama comes in. If it weren’t for Bush’s pitiful failures, Obama may still just be a Senator from Illinois. He has been able to take the high road, and prove that you can be positive in a campaign and get results – we’ll know more about that tonight.


South DaCola 2008 Election Predictions; UPDATED


UPDATE: Check out this handy guide to the Measures and Amendments

El Presidente
OBAMA – 333 Electoral (51% of Popular Vote)
McCAIN - 205 Electoral (45% of Popular Vote)

Queen of Congress

Stephanie might even beat him by more, I was being conservative on my numbers.

No Debate Senate Race

Dykstra might even close the gap a little on this one, depending on how much advertising he does. I think if Dykstra would have done more advertising and ignored the debate issue he could have beaten Johnson.

Measure 11
NO – 52%
YES – 48%

No matter which way this one goes, it will be painfully close.

Term Limits (J)
NO – 65% (Keep term limits)
YES – 35%
They tried to be sneaky with the ballot language on this one, just remember voting NO keeps term limits.

NO – 53%
YES – 47%
Though I support Yes on 10, I have a feeling it will go down in flames. Politicians and lawyers have thrown so much money behind the opposition (ironically what Measure 10 would stop) it will be hard for them to convince people otherwise. The advertising (though very misleading) on the vote No side has been very effective. You think the video lottery proponents are full of it, the Vote No side basically lied about every single positive aspect of this law. I have said from the beginning though it was too extensive and should have been scaled back, and I think it would have been more successful.

SCOTT H. – 55%
PHYLLIS H. – 45%
I think it will be hard to beat Scott’s incumbency and the fact he has been full-time campaigning for a month straight. I saw him on the campaign scooter the other day.

Both winning house seats. District 15 is heavily democratic and pro-choice, I just don’t see a Republican winning there.

Hal Wick will be beat Jerstad, don’t know by how much, but her kooky TV commercials will be the reason why. She would have been better off not doing them at all.

These are all the predictions I am going to make, they are the ones I have followed the closest.