Election 2008

The Plagiarist hits a double!

The Gargoyle Leader has a short memory. Apparently they didn’t remember that the reason they were not permitting Jason FolkArts to put cartoons in their rag anymore was because he had been busted twice by other local cartoonists for plagiarizing. The copying and total disregard for creative property aside, it is also apparent that he still can’t write a toon to save his life.

According to his toon yesterday voters are going to blow their heads off tommorow by sticking Looney-Toons dynamite sticks in their mouths (AL dead tree version page 10B). I don’t know about you, but the only thing I will be sticking in my mouth tommorrow night is vodka.


Why John McCain will lose ‘In a Walk’

Besides having a bunch of ignorant, idiotic, arrogant, greedy bastard lobbyists running his campaign and picking Governor Moose Drool as a running mate there is a bigger reason why John McLame will lose this election; not hammering home the issues that are known to be true.

John has thrown everything but the kitchen sink at Obama, but it has mostly been stupid fluff and weirdo associations. Are they important? Yes they are, but most Americans don’t give a shit.

The one thing the McSpain campaign has yet to bring up is the fact that both houses of congress will be controlled by Democrats, and having a Democratic president would eliminate checks and balances when it comes to legislation.

Maybe the RNC told him not to talk about it (so they could keep their seats). Maybe they enjoyed the first 6 years of Bush’s presidency when they had the same advantage. Who knows? But I think it was fundamentally stupid not to bring it up. I think most voting Americans understand balance of power, and I think John could have made a good argument.

Even though I am an indy who usually never votes for a Republican, it still concerns me that we will have both houses controlled by Dems and the White House too.

Who will be watching the hen house? No one.

Best ‘TOKEN’ of 2008 Election Cycle; Piper Palin

I’ll have to admit, even though I think Sarah is dumber then jellied moose nose (yes they eat that shit in Alaska) I have been quite impressed with her daughter Piper. She is like a miniature, female GW Bush. Do whatever, whenever, who cares, I’m cute (spit combing her little bro’s hair and waving to the booing Philly Flyer fans, comes to mind). Sarah knows it to, that’s why you see Piper by her side anytime the MSM trys to ask her questions. You can’t ask hard questions when someone has there grade school aged child standing by your side.

So Piper, without little fanfare, I congratulate you on your award.

Move up City Elections

From time to time I agree with Councilor Knudson, but too often not for the same reasons.

At the Charter Revision Meeting yesterday, (scroll down to the October 28, meeting, De speaks at the beginning) De suggested we move our city elections to June to save the city money and have a bigger voter turnout. I couldn’t agree more, because it would line up with the state primary elections.

De says she couldn’t understand why voter turnout was so low in the last city election compared to 2006.

Knudson cited preliminary statistics on voter turnout for city and special elections. In April 2006, 37.1 percent of voters cast ballots in the joint city/school election, compared to 14.1 percent for the city election last April.

Two words; Super Precincts.

The change to Super Precincts hurt voter turnout big time. Some people who intended to vote showed up to their old precinct and never voted. Others were so confused by it, they said the Hell with it. I can’t understand why some councilors are in such a state of denial about the super precincts debacle. Admit the mistake and move on already. Seriously.

Councilor Jamison was opposed to the move saying the council candidates would get lost in the shuffle. Bologna. I could see that if the election was during a presidential/national election but not a primary.

There was also mention that the city elections were bi-partisan. That one made me laugh. While there is members of both political parties and one independent (that I know of) sitting on the council, I can assure you that the councilors are very involved in their political parties.

Wealth redistribution: Popular with South Dakotans

Dissing Obama’s supposed “income redistribution plan” is pretty popular in SD these days. What most here won’t admit or realise is that our state is on federal welfare and has been for some time.

Check THIS out for the numbers.

In 2005 (the most current year in the study), we got back$1.53 for every dollar we sent to the federal government.

In other words, the tax dollars of other states are being redistributed to fund our low tax lifestyle.

Many of you have seen the Johnson/Munson ad where Munson does everything but fellate Johnson for bringing in so much money for pet projects around SF. Rep. Herseth-Sandlin also mentions in her ads the money she’s helped to bring in while she’s been in congress. Why are we as frugal, up-by-the-bootstraps (whatever that means), God-fearing South Dakotans electing such welfare queens to office?

Could it be that deep down, we really like the idea of wealth redistribution?Â