Employee Free Choice Act

Stop lying about the EFCA

Finally a truthful letter to the editor about the Employee Free Choice Act;

One of the biggest misconceptions about the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that would make it easier for workers to join unions, is that the act would take away a worker’s right to a secret ballot. This is false.

Yes, but it doesn’t stop Republicans and Big business lobbying groups from continually lying about it.

Opponents of the Employee Free Choice Act are entitled to their opinions but not to distort the facts to serve their purpose.

Let’s have a real discussion about the act without the lies or misinformation.

American workers deserve that much.

Yes they do, and that’s what scares the shit out of the other side. I would love to see a debate between John Thune and a State Union leader. It would be fun to watch Ironic Johnny squirm and sweat.

Don’t like being poor? The unions are not the answer. Work five underpaying jobs at the same time, don’t enjoy life and die miserable. It’s the neo-con way.


If I just work at Walmart 60 hours a week for the next 40 years I’ll get my trailer paid off eventually.

Everyone’s favorite Neo-Con BS letter to the editor writer is back, with another doozey;

Before Juhl gets too giddy over the Employee Free Choice Act, he might be interested to know a recent Rasmussen poll found only 9 percent of nonunion workers expressed a desire to belong to a union while 81 percent did not, which is almost one out of every 10 nonunion workers.

What Stevie Wonderless doesn’t tell you is that there is only 8 workers for every 100 that are union members. If the people he mentions above wanted to join a union, it would over double union participation.

Juhl also should be aware of a study done by the Law and Economics Consulting Group, which concluded that if the Employee Free Choice Act becomes law, unemployment in the United States would increase by another 2 million to 5 million people – or another 1.5 to 3.5 percentage points. Simply put, organized labor becomes much more expensive. If this act is passed, look for Wal-Mart and the health care industry as early targets to be unionized.

The one thing that Mr. Shitslinger also fails to mention is that the breakup of the Unions in the west and southwest caused the massive illegal immigration of Mexicans (around 15 million) to come to our country and work illegally. So when this study talks about 2-5 million becoming unemployed, I will bet my bottom dollar 99% of them are illegals. So how is this a bad thing?

Regarding Ehrenreich’s book, which surprisingly is required reading in thousands of high schools and colleges, her credibility was greatly diminished when interviewed by ABC’s John Stossel in his recent special “Bailouts, Big Spending and Bull.”

Steveless is talking about the bestselling, multiple award winning book, Nickel and Dimed.

It’s one thing to try to discredit a Bill O’Reilly fictional mystery novel, that’s easy, but claiming John Stossel debunked her is laughable at best. John Stossel, BAHAHAAHAH!

And finally, Steve gives some of his good old fashion life advice;

The possibility of making it on your own still exists through hard work and perseverance.

And a lot of groveling, ass kissing and playing reindeer games – especially in Sux Falls.

I worked at two jobs for seven years after getting out of college and would do it again if I had to.

What? Do you want a cookie,?

Granted, we are in the middle of a recession, and I am not attempting to diminish that reality.

Ah, yes you are.

But some proper perspective is needed.

You are correct, it just isn’t coming from you.


Joel Dysktra leading the charge against Employee Card Check. We know how this going to end.

Wonder if he grew his ‘working man’s mustache back?

Opponents of card check legislation want to protect their wallets, not anyone’s right to vote on union elections, said union officials in Rapid City on Thursday.

“They’re dead set against it, because it takes money out of their pocket, it’s that simple,” said Mark Anderson, president and financial secretary of the South Dakota State Federation of Labor AFL-CIO. “It’s simply an issue of money — who gets it, who keeps it.”

Mark, Mark, Mark. Really. Are you saying some South Dakota business owners are money hungry greedy bastards that don’t want to pay their workers a fair wage? Where would you get an idea like that? It’s not like we rate dead last in wages in this country or that South Dakotans have to work two or three jobs to make ends meet. Obviously this has nothing to do with it.

Anderson said opponents often latch onto the secret ballot issue to claim the card check method is undemocratic.

“So when you hear all the hoopla, from the employers’ side and the opponents, I think that’s a bald-faced lie,”

Are you calling South Dakota Neo-cons liars? Get out. Now go get your magic markers and help me make a Tea Party sign that says, “Kill Socialism – Buy Guns.”

One petition organizer, former U.S. Senate candidate Joel Dykstra of Canton, told The Associated Press that the South Dakota ballot proposal is the same as efforts in other states and is affiliated with the national Save Our Secret Ballot organization.

We’re not anti-union. We just believe employees should have the right to select their representation by secret ballot,” Dykstra said.

Yeah Joel, I believe you, because if anyone has credibility in the business and political realm, it’s you . . .

It’s important to increase union membership, because unions are responsible for the creation of the middle class, Anderson said. As unions have weakened over the last several decades, the gap between the rich and poor in the country has grown larger, he said, and the middle class has disappeared.

And that’s just the way they like it.