For full disclosure, I don’t live in Healy’s District, but do live right next to it in D13. I haven’t always agreed with some of the things she has done in the legislature either, but the RADICAL RIGHT has been destroying our state for decades and they won’t be happy until they turn the working class in this state into poverty stricken SLAVES with the only ones surviving are the rich and elite with their corporate welfare handouts.

That’s what is so ironic about this postcard and what Healy said ‘owners of slaves’. I guess I would take it as the radical right in South Dakota wants to praise slave ownership by putting them on the capital building. I mean really that is essentially what Noem is saying, ‘Praise the slave owners.’

I also think Erin’s comment was also really about the push to put more statues of dead slave owners on display in South Dakota. Really?! During the middle of a pandemic and an agricultural and economic crisis the governor of our state is worried about more statues?

Do I think Jefferson and Washington were great leaders? Sure, but as Healy said, they were not perfect. While I think tearing down monuments of them or defacing them is wrong, and I am sure Healy would agree, I don’t think we need to put up more. I think we need to learn from the mistakes of the past so we don’t continue to repeat them. I hope we learn hard lessons from the past 4 years.

As I said at a council meeting a few months ago, Sioux Falls and cities across the country should be building parks dedicated to peace and memorials about those who promote peace, instead of war.

Of course, I expected this kind of garbage from the Rushmore PAC. They have a track record of spewing hate and division across the state, and it’s NO mystery that the SD GOP Chair is behind the PAC since it’s official address is his home address in Dakota Dunes. Why didn’t the SD GOP just pay for the postcard? Because the radical right has to hide behind PACs so the public doesn’t know where the money is coming from. Make NO mistake folks, THE RADICAL RIGHT in South Dakota only wants to divide and conquer and they won’t be happy until 90% of us become their low wage slaves. No wonder they want to build more monuments to slave owners, they aspire to this greatness themselves.