
Board of Ethics complaint thrown out

Due to ‘Lack of Authority’?!

Citing a lack of authority in the matter, the city of Sioux Falls’ board of ethics Thursday threw out a complaint about the mayor’s involvement in pushing for voter approval of the events center.

So let me get this straight? The City attorney claims that the AG’s opinion in 1988 allows the mayor’s directors to make presentations. Some people complained to the current AG’s office. He says he has no authority, so he throws it back at the city attorney. An ethics complaint is filed, the board’s legal adviser, the city attorney excuses himself (I am assuming because he is a political appointee of the mayor) Then the board gets a private attorney to look into it. And after all that they say they have no authority to respond to the complaint so they throw it out!? Isn’t that your job? Unbelievable and spineless.

Kermit has been freed!

Just kidding. Kermit finally got a half-ass letter from the city that he was not unethical.

Former Sioux Falls city council member Kermit Staggers says he’s won a year-long battle with the city’s Board of Ethics.

Staggers says the board sent him a letter retracting their reprimand from last May. The board had reprimanded him on charges of holding another office while on the city council.

You can read the PRESS CONFERENCE and the documents here: kermit-ethics

That letter was shorter then the one I got about my library card being cancelled.

No surprise, Entenman found to have no conflict of interest

I could have predicted this one by licking my finger and sticking it in the wind;

SIOUX FALLS, SD – Sioux Falls city council member Jim Entenman does not have a conflict of interest when it comes to building an events center near the current arena.

That ruling Thursday from the board of ethics for the city of Sioux Falls.

I felt all along that it would be hard to prove a ‘potential’ economic benefit to Entenman, such as an increase in property value. I also don’t think the Board of Ethics is qualified to make unbiased decisions. Look at the witch hunt on Staggers. Another reason I talk about qualifications is because of some pre-meeting chatter I heard between two of the members before their last meeting. One member told another that Rex Rolfing was seeking an opinion (he did not go into detail) then the other member said, “Is he a city employee?” And the other member said, “NO! He is a city Councilor.” Where the other replied, “I did not know that.” It worries me a bit that a board that has to give legal opinions to elected officials, doesn’t even know who those elected officials are.