
Homeland Security Gone Wrong: The Story of Star Simpson


A year ago yesterday, an MIT student was arrested and nearly killed at Boston Logan airport. Her crime: wearing a home-made hoodie with a LED circuit-board sewn into it. This is her first interview since the event. A full transcript is at the bottom of the page or those who don’t want ot watch the video.

I remember the right-wing blogosphere jumping all over her like she was either a terrorist or some sort of social miscreant. Turns out she was just there to pick up a friend. if this is the level of police stupidity we’re willing to allow to protect us from terrorists, then they’ve already won.

Personally, I think Ms. Simpson should sue everyone from the cops, to the airport authority, to homeland security for putting her through a year of absolute Hell.

Urgent Action Needed! Please Help Out!

As you may already know, several large investment banks have recently gone tits up. Thousands of investment bankers will soon be in line for a table at Applebee’s, forgoing their usual reservation at Spago. An estimated 100,000* executives from the nation’s largest companies may soon be jumping from a window near you!

Do your part!

Please make donations to the Lehman Bros. charity fund, a non-profit group dedicated to assisting suicidal and soon-to-be-broke mid-level executives. Your donation will help to prop up the threatened lifestyles of investment bankers across the NYC tri-state area.

Please hurry!

Many executives have already had to sell their properties in the Hamptons, and many more are thinking about selling their yaghts. If this crisis lasts as long as expected, many investment bankers will be forced to summer and winter in the same home!

Please make your donation via Paypal today!**

*All figures derived ex rectum 
**Please send payments to Ghost of Dude at his e-mail address,



Do Sioux Falls city councilors represent you or special interests?

According to 2008 campaign financial statements combined of Litz, Jamison, Brown and Anderson the following special interest contribution amounts were made to the four candidates (

Individual  Developer Contributions: $7,500

Housing PAC contributions: $5,750

Realtor PAC contributions: $1,500

Attorney PAC contributions: $400

Telecommunication PAC contributions: $250

Individual contractor/building supplier contributions: $900

Litz got the biggest cut of the money at  $6,100 and Anderson got the least at $500. With Jamison in at 2nd and Brown in at 3rd place.

Funny tactics? Nope. Cleverly tactical? Yup.

One of the main reasons I pushed for the ethical decision on Friday was because I wanted the story to be in the news cycle over the weekend, and the media has delivered. Though I knew how the politically appointed Board of Ethics would rule in Litz and Jamison’s favor, I don’t think it was a bad thing. Why? Many citizens still think they have a conflict, and the decision reinforces what the upcoming vote on Monday really means. Which councilors are on the citizens/small business side and which are on big business/developers side? We will find out Monday night.

I don’t doubt that the platting fees will pass, but the retail tax increase will be close and comes down to two people; Vernon Brown and Munson. Vernon still has not said how he will vote on the retail tax increase. If he votes for it, Munson will break the tie.

Kelo TV has a story on it.

Argus Leader also puts their .08 cents in on the issue.