Event Center

SF School Board & Sports Authority have trouble with simple math

It seems these upstanding members of our community can’t do simple math. Just read this Gargoyle Leader article about building a new stadium (that we do not need)

The Stats:


Seats: 10,000

Record crowd to date: 8,250

Upgrade costs: $6.4 million (already budgeted)


Could seat:  15,000 – 25,000

Cost: $20-25 Million (this does not include Howard Wood demolition costs)

I guess I’m wondering why we need to build a new 25,000 seat stadium when we are not even close to capacity at Howard Wood? This is a back door attempt to build a new events center where the current Howard Wood is at.

First things first; 1) You need a funding source besides sales tax 2) you need to prove there is a NEED for the new EC. We cannot currently fill the Arena, the Orpheum, Howard Wood field or the Washington Pavilion as it is.

Like I have said before, table the EC idea for another 5-7 years unless you want to build it with private money, taxpayers are not interested in getting gouged more during this recession.

Fix up Howard Wood field and move on already

Once against the Sports Authority and Event Center puddknockers stuck their nose where it does not belong with the SF school district. If you guys want to pay my property taxes I’ll let you decide what is done with Howard Wood otherwise go back to kissing Munson’s butt, golfing, watching football or whatever you do in your free time.

The district has budgeted $6.48 million for improvements to the field in 2010, Alberty said.

As you can see the money was already budgeted to make improvements. So what’s the holdup?

A proposal to build an events center in Sioux Falls put the stadium’s future in question last year.

Why? The school board should only be taking advice and suggestions from a couple groups, property tax payers and parents, not men in slick suits who get a boner everytime someone mentions ‘Vikings Training Camp’. Fix the field already, the EC is a pipe dream that is at least 5-7 years down the road.