I know it is hard to believe that the mean old Detroit Lewis may have family (that he loves) but it’s true. I was outta town over the weekend in Dick Cheney’s home state to attend my cousin Abbie’s wedding (the beautiful bride below with my grandpa – yes, we do have attractive people in our family, of course, besides myself).

While weddings are great and all, a practice both sides of my family seem to want to perfect since they have multiple ones, one part of weddings that I truly enjoy are what the kids say. My cousin Jessie, below (Abbie’s 8 year old sister) did not disappoint. She had one zinger after another. This is her and me at the rehearsal dinner and my sad attempt to photograph the both of us. After the photo I showed it to her on my digital camera, in which she replied, “That’s not very good, we can see the hair in your nose.”

There was a couple of pleasant surprises on the way to the wedding while we drove across America’s armpit called Nebraska. We stopped for lunch in Ericson for a hamburger at this bar. It was the best freaking chargrilled cheeseburger I have even eaten. And BTW, the bartender/waiter/cook needs to stop watching HLN.
The second great surprise was a town called Egbert.