If only Sioux Falls were on the Highway to Hell - we would stop leaking money

This week, once again, Quen Be De Knudson could not resist getting another plug in for a new Event Center (so she won’t have to fill her car with gas, in Sioux Falls, and drive to Sioux City to see Neil Diamond and buy Cokes at the Tyson Center). Only De would be so shameless to encourage a retail tax increase to build something we don’t need during a recession. Her argument this time? The Arena is ‘dilapidated’. It all started by her giving kudos to the Sioux Falls Sports Authority for getting the Summit League tournament in March to be held in Sioux Falls at the Arena. What started as praise quickly turned into a rant about how surprised she was they were able to convince the league to have the tourney here because the Arena is so ‘dilapidated’. I think if she wants to see dilapidation, she ought a go out with the code enforcement officers sometime.

Sure, the Arena is a little old and worn, but there is nothing wrong with it, considering it has only sold out about 3 events in the past 40 years (and seven Garth Brooks concerts). Did Knudson ever think maybe they chose Sioux Falls because it is a nice city to visit? Or that the Arena may be the perfect size for the tournament? Stop worrying about what the f’ing Jones’ have and get down to real business for once.


Not sure if you ever watch the informational meetings online but they use a software called Granicus. For the longest time I noticed that they turn the microphones on and start recording about 10 minutes before the informational meetings actually start. I started to notice that most of the councilors showing up to the meetings were not aware of it, and I would turn up the volume full blast and listen to the chatter. Most of the time I wouldn’t hear much, but a few weeks back one of the councilors made the comment about Jamison walking in and tearing up his AC/DC ticket. It made me chuckle, because a week earlier was Jamison’s Oscar winning performance where he talked about Sioux Falls leaking money because we don’t have an Event Center while tearing up fake checks from AC/DC and The Eagles.

After that, I decided in all fairness, I would email the city clerk and tell her about it, kind of a fair warning that anybody listening can hear the chatter. It has only gotten better as a result. This past week the assistant city clerk made a point to inform everyone their microphones were on, and joked that people can tell what they are thinking to, and councilor Litz replies, “If they knew what I was thinking, I would be in jail.” I’m with you on that Bob! So keep up the comedy show. I think the 10 minutes prior to the meetings is more exciting than the open discussion during the meeting, except when Shakespeare Jamison and Quen Be De put on there best rendition of Arthur Miller’s greatest unknown work, “Death of an Event Center.”

I guess the recession just mysteriously crept up on us;

Governor Rounds says South Dakota is not escaping the recession. The national economy is having a ripple effect on the local economies of cities across the state. And the Governor expects the economic news in South Dakota to get worse before it gets better. 

Hey, Mike, I have been in a recession ever since I have lived here.

Galynn sets us straight about SF snow alerts;

“If I do a snow alert, and we go in and we plow all the roads, and I bring in the contractors and we pick up the snow, that runs $550,000 for one event,” Huber said. 

Yeah, save the citizens money on cutting public safety so we can build more wood and rock thingies for our parks and send out calendars with just pictures of snowplows working.

Not only is Kate a looker, she has a beautiful voice, check her out.

Morrissey’s sound has folk-pop elements, and her soulful drive on the keys brings an edge to the music.

One more reason why Caroline Kennedy should not serve as a US Senator, she has Reid’s endorsement.

HR: “She’s 52 years old. I’ve spoken to her. She was part of a vetting process for vice presidential choices for Obama. She’s lived in government and politics her whole life. I think it would be a tremendous thing. … We have a lot of stars from New York. Bobby Kennedy. Hillary Clinton. I think Caroline Kennedy would be perfect. “

More Crooks and Liars while the Bush Administration did nothing – BIG SURPRISE!

Madoff, 70, is the alleged mastermind of a 50-billion-dollar fraud shaking financial institutions worldwide.

I guess we have too many Farty cows in South Dakota – more like Farty people.

Fisher responded on Johnson’s behalf to a Journal e-mail seeking the senator’s opinion on the so-called “cattle tax,” which Thune and some agriculture leaders say has been under consideration as part of an EPA review of ways to expand regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act. Fisher said EPA officials have denied assertions that the agency is proposing such a tax.

It’s one thing to pay taxes on food but then to have to pay them on fartiness? They got us coming and going.