
This kid’s got it right!

It’s not every day we can sit back in our secure bunkers, and rest easy knowing there are some in this new generation of heathens who truly are Real Americans. This kid is one of them, and is dead on about the president of Kenya:



Yeah! In your face, Pinkos!!!

The kid’s t-shirt displays his true patriotism even better:


It’s good to know we have a new generation of Real Americans ready to carry the flag for us when we pass on to eternity. Hopefully, his parents were smart enough to hold him out of public schools, and build a secure bunker stocked with ammo and gold coins for him to ride out the coming apocolypse to emerge as our new ultra-president/potentate and lead us down the Real American path.

See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman out

Thank the LORD that he sent Michelle Bachmann to save us from government healthcare

In these trying times of woe, when our own illegitimate president from Kenya is attempting to destroy our economy, take over all our hospitals, and kill our grannies, it’s nice to know we can still count on the LORD to send us true Real American Patriots like Michelle Bachmann.


On a conference call the other day, along with North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx – who correctly exposed the murder of that gay kid in Wyoming as a hoax, and former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave – who bravely stood her ground even as it became obvious that the people of her district had mistakenly elected her Godless heathen democrat opponent, Bachmann exposed president Barry Hussein’s true agenda:

“We all need to consider that in God’s timing that he may have allowed us, as members of Congress, to be in the position that we’re in just for this specific issue right now,” she said. “Everything that all of us have worked together and labored for over the years, all of it could be undermined with this one bill. President Obama realizes that. The radicals that are on the pro-abortion left, they realize that. They could win it all. And the unborn, and the vulnerable, the disabled and those at the end of life could lose it it all.”

Without such brave Real American Patriots in the halls of congress, people might start believing the myths that the government doesn’t want to send your grandmas to government-run glue factories.


See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman out.

So, are they going to dress up like Indians?


As mentioned in an earlier post, there’s going to be a tax protest at Covell Lake where participants will reenact the Boston Tea Party. It’s being organized on facebook. I think a counter protest should dress as British redcoats and threaten to arrest the protestors for treason against the crown – not because they don’t have a right to protest taxes, but because it would be equally silly and pointless.

Funny how almost no one complained when the last administration outspent all the others combined.

PS: Everyone’s favorite back-cracker is organizing the event.

FREE to screw working class and poor people over, that’s about it

This study is laughable. Though I don’t disagree with there findings, I find it ironic what they consider ‘FREE’.

South Dakota received a top ranking in economic freedom and scored second in fiscal freedom.

Yeah, the rich are economically FREE from paying their fare share of taxes.

But the study criticized the state’s high sales taxes and higher-than-expected transportation spending for a state with such a low population density.

The sales taxes are not high, they lack equality. We shouldn’t be paying retail taxes on food and the retail tax rate should be equal on every item, big or small. As for transportation, boy, if that isn’t glaring. We are a state of 700,000 that has 9 state owned airplanes – go figure.

Personal freedom dropped South Dakota into the middle of the pack at 24th.

WooHoo! We weren’t dead last for once! Even though that rank probably would drop to 50 in Sioux Falls, where code enforcement spies on it’s residents 24/7 and drug dogs wait outside bars for you.

Moderate, centrist governments offer their residents the most freedoms, according to the study.

And the wingnuts wonder why Obama is so popular – go figure.