I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff, but it is rich;

“Why we would want to give away something between a half a million and a million dollars, dumbfounds me,” says the Mayor.

If he was Mr. Prudence, I would agree, but this dumbo who has borrowed well over $200 million over the past 7 years spending it mostly on special interests and play things, like $500K to a private tennis center he plastered his name on. What a hypocrite.

Remember this? The city employees and directors working hard to not only close a public residential street but also working OT to make sure a private business owner got the property (valued at close to $1 million) for FREE. The dealership offered to pay nothing for the street vacation. But hey, how many jobs were created? How many people stayed out of jail? How much did this save our justice system? Not sure, but they did get to build a gigantic parking lot. When the mayor’s administration wants to throw a hissy fit over giving away a rust bucket of a building, I only have to show them this fiasco, and then ask them to STFU.

Is the move on or is the mayor’s hissy fit on? Why did the mayor of Sioux Falls put on a full court press against the Glory House on January 17, 2017? The Sioux Falls City Council decided to explore the options of legally gifting the old IcePlex land to the Glory House and the mayor sent his big guns in to shoot it down.

This Council vote was to set up the discussion process, it does not give the building and land to the Glory House. It is the first of 4 votes necessary to accomplish the gifting. If at any point the process falls apart, the property does not transfer. So why is the mayor so afraid of the first step?

As we write and post this video, the mayor still has not signed the formal paperwork. One of those things that makes you go HMMMMMM?