Greg Jamison on KSOO AM 1000 – TODAY!
Listen Here, show starts at 3 PM.
Sioux Empire Podcast interview;
Listen Here, show starts at 3 PM.
Sioux Empire Podcast interview;
Greg made some great points of what to expect of him as mayor. He made the point that the Mayor of Sioux Falls needs to be a ‘Diplomat’ of the city to the rest of the state instead of telling the rest of the state they are going to steal away all the state tournaments.
One of the funnier moments of the Legislative Coffee was when Jamison got the crowd to laugh doing the rabbit ears behind his peer today. The one thing I have often liked about Greg and why he will be a breath of fresh air for the mayor’s office is unlike the current joke of a mayor, Greg can actually take a joke.
We touched on the upcoming legislative session, Greg’s run for mayor, and a few ghost stories.
Greg will make the announcement on the 25th at 11:30 AM, Downtown Holiday Inn, Main Floor meeting room. Jamison is a former 2-term city councilor and currently a state legislator. Besides former city councilors Jim Entenman & Kenny Anderson, Jamison has the added experience as a one-session legislator. All the other candidates have little to no past government experience.