Axelrod and Gibbs stay on (un)clear message on the Sunday morning bobblehead shows;

David Axelrod says Obama believes a public option would be a good tool. But Axelrod says “it shouldn’t define the whole health care debate.”

And Gibbs takes a shot at it;

It’s still unclear what Obama will do on a proposal for government-sponsored coverage to compete with private insurers. Gibbs says the president supports it. But Gibbs isn’t saying Obama would veto a bill if it doesn’t include the public option.

I think Obama must support some kind of public option, it just has to be there or there is no point in passing a healthcare reform bill, but it must also be fair to Americans;

– Only available to American citizens that pay taxes (either income or retail)

– It should include a voter registration provision. If you are over 18 you should be a registered voter and registered for selective service (unless state felony laws prevent it).

– There should be NO limitations. If you want the public option and want to get rid of your private plan, you should be able to, no questions asked.

Thursday morning news programs oughta be interesting.



Surprised they let Tammy into the Chamber meeting? She is usually standing on street corners (picketing that is). This goes out to you Tammy;



Nice try Mike (H/T- C & L)

President Obama and Congressional Democrats are promoting a government-run health care experiment that will cut over $500 billion from Medicare to be used to pay for their plan. Medicare should not be raided to pay for another entitlement.

On the contrary, the bill includes several key provisions that improve Medicare benefits for seniors, including the following:

Phases in completely filling in the “donut hole” in the Medicare prescription drug benefit (where drug costs are not reimbursed at certain levels), potentially savings seniors thousands of dollars a year.

Eliminates co-payments and deductibles for preventive services under Medicare.

Limits cost-sharing requirements in Medicare Advantage plans to the amount charged for the same services in traditional Medicare coverage.

Improves the low-income subsidy programs in Medicare, such as by increasing asset limits for programs that help Medicare beneficiaries pay premiums and cost-sharing.