In these trying times of woe, when our own illegitimate president from Kenya is attempting to destroy our economy, take over all our hospitals, and kill our grannies, it’s nice to know we can still count on the LORD to send us true Real American Patriots like Michelle Bachmann.


On a conference call the other day, along with North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx – who correctly exposed the murder of that gay kid in Wyoming as a hoax, and former Colorado Rep. Marilyn Musgrave – who bravely stood her ground even as it became obvious that the people of her district had mistakenly elected her Godless heathen democrat opponent, Bachmann exposed president Barry Hussein’s true agenda:

“We all need to consider that in God’s timing that he may have allowed us, as members of Congress, to be in the position that we’re in just for this specific issue right now,” she said. “Everything that all of us have worked together and labored for over the years, all of it could be undermined with this one bill. President Obama realizes that. The radicals that are on the pro-abortion left, they realize that. They could win it all. And the unborn, and the vulnerable, the disabled and those at the end of life could lose it it all.”

Without such brave Real American Patriots in the halls of congress, people might start believing the myths that the government doesn’t want to send your grandmas to government-run glue factories.


See ya later, fornicators!

Minuteman out.

See the video;

MR. GREGORY: You say it’s essential, Senator Schumer; the president saying now it’s just a sliver. He’s backed away, hasn’t he?

SEN. SCHUMER: I don’t think he’s backed away at all. I’ve talked to the president personally about this in the last few weeks. He believes strongly in the public option. Obviously he is working hard to get a bipartisan bill, because that would be a better bill. But I believe that at the end of the day we will have a public option. And frankly, I believe we could get a public option that could be passed with the 60 Democratic votes we had. A level playing field public option, where the public option competes on a level playing field with the insurance companies, was backed in the House by both Blue Dog Democrats and more liberal Democrats. And I think that’s the direction we’re going to end up in.

This was a great letter to the editor about reform, but I think this paragraph says it all;

The Center for Responsive Politics reported that in the second quarter of this year alone, the pharmaceutical and health products industries spent $67,959,095 on lobbying while the insurance industry spent $39,760,477. Another $25,552,088 was spent by lobbyists for hospitals and nursing homes. That’s a total of $133,271,660 in only three months. And that is not counting the lobbying money spent by professional organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

You can say what you will about death panels and Nazi’s and Kenyans, but in the end we all know deep down inside this is about money. And where does the healthcare industry come up with $133 million in 3 months for advertising? BY SCREWING US over!

I was glad to see Johnson supports the public option, and I hope he builds a fire under Steffy to support one too. We already know, Ironic Johnny is bought and paid for by the Healthcare industry, so we know what he ‘thinks’.

But, Johnson added, that doesn’t mean the federal government shouldn’t introduce a public option that he said would help contain health costs and guarantee coverage to people who don’t have insurance. Johnson, speaking with the Argus Leader Editorial Board, said he favors a public option based on Medicare, the government program for the elderly.

I was also glad to see Johnson calling out the opposition’s scare tactics and bullshit:

While the vast majority of South Dakotans are polite, he (Johnson) said, others have called him a “Nazi” for supporting health reform. “My staff tells me it is very ugly among a few South Dakotans,” he said.

Well, not sure if I would support Hitler’s healthcare plan.

Liberal Democrats in the House have threatened to turn against any reform effort that doe

All three of them? Not sure who these liberals are they speak of?