
New political coffeehouse opening Friday morning in SF?

There has been a lot of talk about a new coffeehouse in downtown Sioux Falls;


I am proud to announce the beginning of Josiah’s Coffeehouse & Café, opening this Friday morning at 6 am here in Sioux Falls.

Located in the new Lumber Exchange Building, home of CNA Surety on the East Bank of Downtown, we offer phenomenal coffee, a long list of espresso drinks and a full menu of made-from-scratch bakery items. We also have a full menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner – including unique salads, wraps, grilled Panini sandwiches and personal pizzas.

Our website is live if you want to see more – www.josiahscoffee.com.

Our menu can be found at www.josiahscoffee.com/our-food/josiahs-menu/.

We are open:
Mon – Thurs, 6 am-8 pm
Fri – Sat, 6 am – 10 pm
Sun, 8 am – 3 pm

And don’t forget, Friday night, across the street from Josiah’s at 8th & RR Center, is the first Downtown Block Party of the summer – from 6 am – 10:30 pm. Great food and entertainment will take place there. Stop by Josiah’s for pizza or other dinner items or coffee and our signature coconut cupcakes.

Saturday morning, come downtown to visit two great Farmer’s Markets – one at the Falls and one at 8th & RR.

Great things happening downtown.

All my best.

Steve H.

I talked to a politician this morning who contemplated the idea of starting a non-partisan political breakfast club at Steve’s place, I like the idea, you never know? Even Ellis was talking about it today.

To heck with politics, I’m opening a coffeehouse

I got this email from Steve Hildebrand yesterday, I wish him the best of luck, but I will say this, there is probably more money in politics then there is in selling scones;


Early this summer, I will be opening Josiah’s Coffeehouse and Café in the new CNA Building on the Historic Eastbank of Downtown Sioux Falls. Named in honor of one of the key founders of Sioux Falls, Josiah Phillips, the coffeehouse and café will offer fantastic coffee from Seattle’s famed Caffe Vita Coffee Roasting Company and homemade fare for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A warm, inviting atmosphere, the best coffee in Sioux Falls and fresh-baked goods will be our signature.

Below is an article that ran this morning by the Sioux Falls Business Journal on Josiah’s.

Once we open in early summer, I hope you will visit us on the Eastbank and give our coffee and food a try.

Thanks much.

Steve Hildebrand
Owner/General Partner


Sometimes Beck and I have the same suspicions . . .

I have been wondering about this for awhile;

Skeptic that I am, I have to ask: Why the sudden energy behind a downtown location? And why now?

Could money be the answer?

“We should not build an arena simply to go to concerts or sporting events,” said Steve Hildebrand, well-known civic leader and political consultant, “we should build an arena to spur economic development.”

Agreed. But whose?

Over the past week, I am starting to wonder. Is Hildy making an issue out of this so he can get paid to consult the effort? We’ll see.

Hildy tells the truth about Dems

(Photo, Elisha Page)

Interesting interview (H/T – C & L) (I especially like his foraging dog).

JONATHAN KARL: So, Steve, how bad is it going to be for the Democrats in these mid-terms?

STEVE HILDEBRAND: I don’t think it has to be bad. I think if our Democratic candidates would actually be proud of to stand for their votes that they’ve taken, not all of them, but some. People who have supported health care shouldn’t run from it. They should be as proud of that vote as any vote they’ve taken in their lives. This is actually going to help people in a pretty serious way. It’s not going to hurt people.

JONATHAN KARL: And is that what you see people doing though because they’re afraid this vote is going to be used against them. In fact it’s already being used against them by Republicans they’re running away from it, running away from the President.

STEVE HILDEBRAND: Yeah, and the fact that they’re cowards in such a serious way. I mean, is this about their reelection or is this about helping people? What are they in politics for? What are they in government for, if they’re not in government to help people? They should simply get out. They shouldn’t run for reelection. And we should put people in there who are strong leaders, who want to do something to help people. That health care bill is going to help young people, old people, poor people, middle-income people. It’s vitally important to this country and any one of them that walks away from it, isn’t proud of that vote, is a coward.

JONATHAN KARL: If the current trajectory remains the way it is for the next two months, and the kind of Democratic strategy remains the way it is, do the democrats lose the House?

STEVE HILDEBRAND: The Democratic strategy right now is to run from the president, run from important proposals that help this country. If we’re not going to do something about health care, if we’re not going to do something about climate change, if we’re not going to do something about the economy, about the deficit, about the war, Washington is going to get punished. The Democrats might get punished more because they’re in power, but Washington in general is going to get punished. And you’ve seen it in Republican primaries across the country. You’ve seen it in Democratic primaries across the country. And you’re going to see it with a lot of just pure incumbents from both parties in November. They’re getting punished because they’re not dealing with the issues. They’re not dealing with the real problems that we face as a country. And they should be punished. Stand up and lead or get out of the way. And you might be replaced with someone worse, but you know, those are the options that are sometimes given to people.

Hey, Steve, do what I did when Dems voted for the Iraq War, become an Indy. The two party system is a joke.