First off, I’d like to emphasize the importance of this year’s elections. Now more than ever we need to remind EVERYONE we know to vote, or we might end up with this in the White House. Seriously, this isn’t as far off as it seems.
she's only one brain away...

Second, it was brought to my attention that USA TODAYwas running a piece about Zombie Tag. I wondered how it was that I hadn’t heard of it yet.. and then it occurred to me that I’m not a coed with entire days of my life to waste on college campuses. I’ll admit that it does sound like tons of fun, and if a game popped up in SooFoo I’d be there.

Thirdly, come out this weekend and watch George A. Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” on the big screen at West Mall 7 at 9PM this Saturday the 11th and October 18th @ 9PM. All proceeds will benefit the Sioux Falls State Theater.

Undeadly Yours,



As you may already know, several large investment banks have recently gone tits up. Thousands of investment bankers will soon be in line for a table at Applebee’s, forgoing their usual reservation at Spago. An estimated 100,000* executives from the nation’s largest companies may soon be jumping from a window near you!

Do your part!

Please make donations to the Lehman Bros. charity fund, a non-profit group dedicated to assisting suicidal and soon-to-be-broke mid-level executives. Your donation will help to prop up the threatened lifestyles of investment bankers across the NYC tri-state area.

Please hurry!

Many executives have already had to sell their properties in the Hamptons, and many more are thinking about selling their yaghts. If this crisis lasts as long as expected, many investment bankers will be forced to summer and winter in the same home!

Please make your donation via Paypal today!**

*All figures derived ex rectum 
**Please send payments to Ghost of Dude at his e-mail address,