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(Screen shots from argusleader.com)
(Screen shots from argusleader.com)
This guy is like a bad joke that people keep telling;
“Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side before Bill drives by!”
Janklow, 72, was cited in late June and later paid a $59 fine and court costs, The Daily Republic reported. Janklow told The Associated Press today that he was trying to get to a hospital to say goodbye to a dying friend, and didn’t make it in time.
Let’s pretend for a moment that Janks was telling the truth How much time could he really shave off by going 15 mph faster? 5-10 minutes? Ironically the time it probably took to write him a ticket. And as for his (imaginary) dying friend, would they appreciate Bill endangering his life and other people’s lives coming to say goodbye to someone who is dying? Sorry Bill, your shit doesn’t add up once again.
Just read this statement;
Janklow said he no longer considers himself a public figure.
Yet he was the first to march in front of TV cameras to complain about the Army CORPS. Kinda sounds like you are still in the public eye, Billy Bob.
It’s not over yet. The trial was scheduled to begin on December 7 but was postponed. Dan Scott’s lawyer, Bill Janklow and the Argus Endorser’s lawyer, Sanford are still negoitiating, 3 years later. I would love to see this go to trial, but I have a feeling Mr. Scott will probably get a settlement in the end.
The Saga continues.
Here’s some South DaCola refreshers;
While I agree that Mr. Kelly deserves compensation for the misidentification, I find his choice of representation suspicious at best. Also, I didn’t know Rory before the mistake, and I still don’t know him. So what;
Associated Press – August 4, 2010 7:05 PM ET
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) – The part owner of a South Dakota cell phone business has filed a libel lawsuit against the Sioux Falls Argus Leader, claiming his reputation was damaged when the newspaper reported incorrectly that he had been arrested following a domestic disturbance.
The lawsuit filed by Rory Randal Kelly of Sioux Falls seeks unspecified damages in a jury trial.
Bill Janklow, the former governor and congressman, is representing Kelly. Janklow said Wednesday that the businessman deserves to be compensated for the misidentification.
The Argus Leader did not immediately return a phone call for comment.
The police department initially listed 33-year-old Rory Randal Kelly as the person arrested July 14, but later corrected the ID to 24-year-old Rory Patrick Kelley.
I agree 100% with Scott on this one. I’m always baffled why the local media lets local politicians, convicted felons and whack jobs push them around?
Reminds me of an email exchange I had with a news director at KELO-TV recently. Inside KELOLAND which is produced once a week and airs twice on Sunday had a program a couple of weeks ago about the Sales Tax increase. The first half featured Munson, Brown and Staggers the second half featured two developers, but no citizens (you know the ones who are affected by the tax increase). I emailed the news director about it, and she told me that they featured Munson, Brown and Staggers instead because they are elected by the people and represent the citizens (insert laughter here). I had a pretty long rant I was going to send her about journalistic integrity, etc. etc. but instead I replied “Yes, Staggers did a fine job representing the citizens.”