The Radical Right Wing Fascist Authoritarian Republican’t party is alive and well in the governor’s office in Pierre. In true Trumpian style ‘Do as I say, not as I do, and when caught, lie, lie, lie.’ Noem has learned well from her mentor in releasing the videos of Ravnsborg and now a judge says No way Jose. I kind of wondered how they could be released before his hearing?

While Noem is correct Ravnsborg should resign (for multiple reasons, mostly because he is dumber than spit) I find it ironic how she enjoys throwing rocks at her glass house. Noem has refused to give TRANSPARENCY on her security costs and air travel while stumping for one of the worst modern presidents (besides Reagan) in the history of our nation. She continues to lie about her Covid response (7th highest state death rate in the nation), lie about how many actual jobs would be produced by a pipeline that hasn’t even been built yet (or ever will be), blames the Covid outbreak at Smithfield on dirty immigrants and cries about fireworks (I’m sure if Haaland is confirmed she will put a stop to that on sacred native land) and continues to overturn the will of the voters over recreational marijuana. To call her a raging hypocrite would be a monumental understatement.

She says Jason should have ‘integrity’ and face the highest level of scrutiny and transparency when it comes to his accident. Yeah, Kristi, he should, BUT SO SHOULD YOU! I think it is pretty obvious your jet setting all over the country because you dream of being Trump’s Palin in 2024 was questionably legal.

Noem has continued the divisiveness of the past 4 years and has made it worse by covering up her own indiscretions with the same old tired lies about the fictional sect they call the ‘Radical Left’. The only radical that exists lives in the Governor’s mansion and she gets nuttier by the day, I’m expecting her to turn into a jar of peanut butter here pretty soon.

Noem enjoys the Ravnsborg distraction, because if you believe the gossip hounds in Pierre, Noem may have a lot of explaining to do about her Trump Travels that have very little to do with campaign stops, airplane trips and security expenses. I take most of these rumors with a grain of salt that have been circulating for months, but if even half of them are true, Noem may be secretly hoping all of her constitutional officers were web surfing while driving in the ditch, because she is going to need one Hell of a distraction to splain this one away.

The state releases Jason’s investigation interview videos. I have to admit when I wrote the original post on Sunday Afternoon, I never thought Sh!t would hit the fan come Sunday Night. Not sure if they will garner the 2/3 vote to boot him out. I have a feeling this really isn’t about Jason, but more about Noem wanting to replace him with a minion that will do her bidding.


Since this seemed to be the biggest news story of all time on Thursday I figured I would take a couple of days to process my thoughts.

It’s pretty simple when you look at the facts of the case and the 5 month investigation, Ravnsborg likely broke the law (he is charged with 3 counts) and as our top law enforcement official in the state he should resign. He should also have his law license at least suspended for 2-3 years.

I know Noem has been chomping at the bit to replace him with an appointment she could lead around like a show pony but that speculation shouldn’t factor into the fact that Jason drove off the road illegally and killed someone.

I keep coming back to one word ‘integrity’ and as an elected official the only way to have this is by doing the ethical thing and resign, and that is really in his hands. The legislature will likely not take action, mostly because they are fascist cowards that don’t have the courage of a prairie dog. The SD Bar Association will likely not take action because in situations like this they usually circle the wagons.

A few years ago one of the Assistant City Attorneys for Sioux Falls who represents the SFPD was charged with a DUI and plead guilty to the charge, not only did he keep his job and received no punishment from the city, he has kept his post as the SFPD advisor and the SD Bar Association took no action.

It’s called the good old boy network.

While I agree SD laws are lax and it has probably been hard for the prosecution to charge him with much more, I do have concerns about how we came to this, and think the family of the victim have an incredibly strong civil case.

• Prosecutors gave us few details about questioning Jason and what his answers were about that night. Why is this?

• While they argue he didn’t receive special treatment in the prosecution, he certainly did with no investigation or toxicology test given the night of the accident. Heck, they didn’t even look for a body and the sheriff borrowed him his car. I also take issue with a 5 month investigation. If you ever go and read these accident reports from other cases in our state the results are usually given within 24-48 hours. There is no doubt in my mind that this long, extra thorough investigation was because he was receiving special treatment. It takes 5 months to determine someone drove into the shoulder of the road?! Give me a break.

• While the timeline is murky, about a month or so ago Jason told the media he was ‘innocent’ and didn’t commit any crimes. He knows this was untrue. I hope this comes up in his initial hearing for 3 counts.

I think Jason is going to fight the charges which I find baffling, because he really should be doing only two things, resigning and pleading guilty.

When talking about Gov. Krazy Kristi Khrome some may wonder if down is up and up is down. Just look at her insistence that AG Jason ‘Might have hit a Jewish Wild Fire Laser Beam’ Ravnsborg’s investigation is going to slow and is too secretive. C’mon Korn Kob Kristi, ever heard of black kettles? While I agree Jason should have been charged or not charged like a long time ago, why are you so concerned about the transparency in that case and not telling the public how you spent our money traveling the country campaigning for a sociopathic liar?

We will get to that in a moment.

I also scratch my head about her Down Syndrome abortion bill (which isn’t as Krazy as the robotic child-like sex doll bill). Do you know that in South Dakota an abortion must be performed within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy? Did you also know that you cannot test a fetus for D.S. until after 13 weeks? So is this a talking point for Klueless Kristi claiming she is saving these kids? Or a parlor trick to prevent all abortions in South Dakota (even though South Dakota voters have voted Pro-Choice twice). Or a taxpayer funded challenge to Roe v Wade? Could be all three (I know I shouldn’t give her any ideas.)

Which brings us to her resistance to telling us about her security detail expenditures. I think Kristi knows that giving South Dakotans that figure would be much more damaging than just resisting, a trick she learned from her mentor Big Don and his tax returns.

My estimate when you take the number of officers times the number of campaign trips times food, lodging and travel that it is well over $100-200K.

Kristi has made a good argument that she already has a security detail, but most likely they wouldn’t have to travel as much if she wasn’t campaigning. Heck Wild Bill had one to, it was a bullet proof vest under a pale yellow Members Only jacket.

Kristi knows if farmer Joe who supports her finds out how much we spent, Joe wouldn’t be to happy about it.

As I predicted, Jason was not going to come out of his hole until he voted in the Electoral College;

State Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg spoke to news reporters Monday about the death of pedestrian Joe Boever.

Oh, but it gets even better;

“I believe I have not committed any crime,” Ravnsborg said.

“Some things have come out that I do not believe are accurate. We’ll let the investigation run,” he said. He didn’t elaborate. He said he would make “a full statement” when all the facts have come out.

Is Jason getting inside information about how the investigation is going before charges are filed? It seems strange that he is so confident that he is innocent. Two things stick out to me, 1) he was distracted and 2) he drove off the road. Not sure how he feels he is innocent?

It will interesting to see what kind of watered down charges are filed if any.

An announcement is expected before Christmas.

Oh, and they will try to sweep this under the rug right before Christmas when no one is paying attention. I have no doubt in my mind, even if Jason did not commit a crime, he certainly got special treatment that wouldn’t be afforded to the rest of us, and that in itself is a travesty.

Looks like they are still promoting covid tourism in Sioux Falls using $250K of our taxdollars that were funneled thru the CVB to Mayor TenHaken’s former(?) ad agency, Click Rain. Not only is promoting tourism during a raging pandemic completely idiotic and stupid, you question the recipients of this contract.

So it seems councilor Erickson’s casual plea to the CVB to put the promotion on hold went no where, as I suspected.

Maybe people should ask Paul tomorrow night on his FB live feed if he is benefitting in anyway from this dubious transfer of money?

UPDATE: During Paul’s fireside chat tonight he talked about political division in our community and blamed Facebook and told people they should spend less time on Facebook. Ironically, he was telling us this while rolling a live video on Facebook. I know, the guy enjoys tripping over himself. I have often suggested that the mayor, any mayor of Sioux Falls, should have a weekly press conference, stream it on YouTube and take questions from the press, just talking about the weekly business of the city. 15 minutes of agenda, 15 minutes of questions (and give the media a microphone so we can hear their questions). I agree, stop playing FB games and take your job seriously.

In other news, I see that the South Dakota Fascist Republican Party’s chair, Iowa Dan will be replacing Noem as a presidential elector, it seems Noem is in Washington at some dumbass Trump rallies (someone should really tell these children he lost the election 5 weeks ago)

UPDATE: I guess this is untrue, not sure where she is? The rumor going around is that she is quarantining due to her exposure to Covid this past week. If Noem has Covid or is just simply playing it safe by quarantining I wonder if she will ever tell the public?

I wonder if they have to meet in Jason Ravnsborg’s basement on Monday to vote? Can a Iowa businessman even be a South Dakota Elector? Oh, nevermind, SD Republicans are not real big on rules, ethics, morality, truthfulness, open government or high IQ’s.