I enjoyed reading Paul TenHaken’s 2026 plan for the city. Would really like to meet the authors, maybe they should be running 🙂

What I’m finding more and more is TenHaken is running on the Huether platform and Entenman is running on Corporate Welfare platform (if you think Huether gave the farm away to developers, you wait).

While Paul’s plan has value, without government leadership skills he would run this city like Huether did. And that’s really scary. Government isn’t a business. It’s time the citizens of this city elect a government leader that offers the highest level of customer service with the best value. That person isn’t Jim or Paul. It’s time to embrace our citizens over the next 8 years, business will do just fine on it’s own.

Memory Lane with Huether

Wow. You would think Mike had only a few days left in his administration when listening to his interview this morning on Belfrage. We have 3 months left of listening to this guy patting himself on the back. Puke.

He reveals some interesting things. He compares himself to Janklow, which I agree is appropriate. Stepping all over the little guy to get things done while mysteriously making himself a multi-millionaire working in public service most of his life.

He also claims he doesn’t talk to a couple of councilors (Starr and Stehly) because they don’t accomplish anything. It’s his way of saying they stand up to him and his corrupt deals. Sometimes putting on the brakes accomplishes more than tying the citizens to bad deals. He goes on to saying he only needs 4 votes to accomplish things. Sad really. Or brags about vetoes.

Than he goes on to throw all the mayoral candidates under the bus (because he was so great, you know) especially Greg Jamison. C’mon Mike, you are not running for office, stay out it. Please.


I know I have been speculating for awhile now that Huether may work for Entenman as his chief of staff if Jim became mayor. But I had a revelation today that Entenman may want to hire him as the Finance Director instead.

As it stands right now, if a mayor resigns suddenly or dies the city finance director takes over until a special election is held. I could totally see Jim resigning after 2 years (Huether can’t run for mayor for two years) and Huether taking over until they can have a special election in which he will run in.

While having Corporate Welfare Diamond Jim Entenman as mayor is scary in itself, just imagine Huether as his finance director or chief of staff.

A vote for Jim is a vote to continue a Huether administration, GUARANTEED. End the Nightmare! Vote for anyone besides Jim.

And this guy wants to run our city? Just like his good ol’ buddy Mike Huether, the rules don’t apply.

Not only did he violate two sign codes (early posting, and placing in right-of-way) he put the signs on his property.

DOC: Political-signs-2015

There is no doubt in my mind that Jim, like Huether, will break any rule to win, and it looks like he got an early start.